IDK just felt like typing


My name is 'Jesse Chez' i was born April 8th 1996 and was raised on a small island on the coast of North Carolina. My upbringing was pretty average i think. Being born when i was, allowed me to see the birth of the major gaming consoles, so up to like age 11 or 12 i was either outside playing with the kids in my neighborhood/Sports or inside shooting aliens in the face.

when i turned 12 or 13 my parents P and D had gotten a divorce and all that good stuff and that wasn't really all that bad for me i guess my siblings felt like they had to pick sides and bullshit but i wasn't really like that i would go and live with my dad sometimes in Asheville and then move back in with my mom then go move off somewhere else(Broke af btw)

Then one day when i was like 14 one of my closest friends at the time had just came out and said somethin like "I'm not really supposed to tell you this but i have to get it off my chest, YOUR ADOPTED" and i just played it off like meh who cares iv been with this family forever so fuck the other people.

so now im like 15 and starting to get HARD into drugs...doin em, slangin em, snortin, poppin, smokin, dabbin, droppin, flippin and mixin. Did this for years thanks to a bloomin onion makin money and shit of that sort.
So basically iv just tripped the time away or slump as fuck. And now im almost 22 and i havent sold drugs in quite some time, Probably a couple years. All iv been doing the past couple years is hanging out with my girlfriend smoking weed and being young adults.

And then out of know where my girlfriend says she found my birth family. Which i had looked for ever since i found out that i was adopted. But never could find out enough and it wasn't something my adopted parents wanted to talk to me about. This was about a month and some change ago.

so i guess she goes to these meeting to legalize marijuana around here and it some how came up that my Birth moms cousin is the one that runs it or some shit like that so my girl started getting all this information on my birth family and got me the names of my half siblings and my birth moms phone number. I haven't called my birth mom simply cuz im terrified i'm going to hate her or love her i'm not sure how i feel about a lady who drank and did drugs with me inside of her. that is at least what i had been told. but honestly fuck all that

I started by going on Facebook and searching for my half sister that was closest to me in age and i sent her a message saying like 'Hey this is crazy but i think your brother' and it took her 3 or 4 days to reply but then she was like 'oh shit, ya i always wondered what happened to you cuz Mom always talked about you and shit like that. So then i find a way to get in touch with my Oldest Brother and he was excited i made contact and he made it seem like they have been waiting for me to find them since i was 18 and I am almost 22. He wasn't sure if i would ever hit them up cuz they didnt know where i was and i could of never found them without my amazing girlfriend that still doesn't realize how much it means to me.

We agreed to all meet up this upcoming Saturday and meet for the first time. Im extremely nervous and iv been chuggin kratom tea trying to relax. Its cool that i get to do this but not really sure what the point is.

other than all this drama shit life on a sandbar goes on...the Sun rises and falls...waves come in damaging dunes...we rebuild. repeat.


Hi! Welcome to steemit :)

Welcome to the steemit platform, Jesse. Wow. I don't know where to start... what an incredible life you have lived. I can't imagine to think about all the feelings you must feel about meeting your real family for the first time. I hope it goes smoothly and you find what you're looking for. I'm sure it will. Wishing you a lot of luck here on steemit too.

Hey thanks for the comment! i met them and it went uhhhh crazy i will be posting the story tomorrow probably :) stay tuned

Hello Friends. Welcome to Steemit. It is wonderful platform you will enjoy here. @blownup

I do hope you enjoy yourself here in our community. What a crazy story you have there! My parents also divorced when I was really young. I had a rough childhood but it would be crazy to find out you're adopted! Hope everything goes well for you.Hello @government-snow ! Welcome to steemit, glad you could join us!


Hey thanks! im Glad to be apart of this community! And thats never all that easy so sorry about that! i plan to be posting updates about this situation and then also going into more detail about my teen years and all that a lot more interesting stories to come if you follow and stay tuned. Thank you for being part of this beautiful community

Hey, Chez. No matter what you do or how you feel, life goes on. I think you should definitely meet them. ;) Best of luck

I am into healthy lifestyle, motivation and more in case you would like to visit my channel :) VALUE guaranteed

Hey thanks for the comment! I really like this community and i love healthy lifestyles now. I will have updates about other aspects in my life i think youd be interested in! Much love

hello @government-snow and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

Glad to be apart of it!