Hi @stephceecee, every newbie have passed through this, i am not exempted also, while some have left the platform, some persevered and it is paying off now, i would encourage you to keep on writing and also use the right tags, You can tag #newbiesresteemday and #greetersguild, if the post is of quality, it would be upvoted by members. There are also plenty of information that can guide you as a newbie. Also since you like poetry, also use the tag. One step and a time. Join
us on discord https://discord.gg/3jYNPUx. i would be expecting you. :)
I really would appreciate you guys going through my work, there's just nothing so encouraging as one recognizing the one work of a writerAww thanks a lot @gracefavour for the encouragement and the tag info.
I understand you perfectly Ceecee, don't be discouraged, just keep writing and also comment on people's post, get involved and make friends I look forward to reading your next post :)
Alright thanks dear, i sure won't disappoint you