Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Usually, I'm quite a reserved person
and downright unskilled in fulfilling social customs
like introducing myself
But I was told - and I admit - saying Hello is an entirely good thing

I'm a writer - not exclusively, but to some extent.
I write poems.
At least here.
At times I write a short story
Currently, I'm working on a novel
one or two more years to go I'd say - but you never know
I might have it done until summer
or it'll sleep on my desk forever
It's not in my hands I figured

As my mistakes might have already revealed, English is not my native language
but I have always liked its melody, its smoothness I guess.
Written word has been a lifesaver for me ever since
Zen poetry by Hanshan, Stonehouse or Basho, prose of Dave Wallace, Pynchon, Murakami, Bukowski, Hesse, Houellebeque and so forth, but also de Winter, Franzen and many more
Without them, I might be still alive
but miserably
that's for sure.

I'm quite an introvert
I love being alone every now and then
going for long walks in the forest
in silence
But since a couple of weeks, I have a little kid
so things have changed now (quite drastically)
In a good way (at times)

I'm afraid there's not much more to say about me
I hope I can give you something to read at times
A poem a day
'That seems quite ambitious to me' notes a voice from off-stage
'I didn't ask your opinion' I respond calmly
'I don't care.'
'I know.'

photo_2022-12-17 18.58.19.jpeg

During my time here
I hope to meet some like-minded people (or even make some new friends)
learn something about this charming hive-biotope
stumble upon inspiring things
improve my english
contribute to the community through my art
make a $ (maybe)
become enlightened (or at least a little wiser)
grow my avocado tree to the ceiling (and beyond)
be a good human (which is seldom within my capacity)

I appreciate that you have taken the time.
I hope to be welcome.
Have a nice day
See you then!


Hi Nice to meet you and welcome to Hive friend! It's a really great place and if you're looking to improve your english and by extension you writings, both poetry and story, you have found the right place, last year when I joined, my fiction was okay, now though, I've noticed a major improvement, even compared to stuff I wrote two months ago, so keep up the writing buzz and you'll notice that improvement too.

Friends, there are tons of amazing people here. Just make sure that you read other peoples work and don't just like them, comment, if even only a short comment. They say that for every post you write, you should read/ comment on 5. That's really for getting out there and seeing what Hive has to offer. It is different than any other social media and it isn't just about money, it's the community spirit, more than anything that keeps people here. As I heard it said before. "Come for the money, stay for the community."

Some communities I would recomend for writing is Scholar and Scribe, amazing community with really nice people, perfect for poetry and short stories.

And World building, who give daily prompts for us to get the creative juices flowing, which some days is much needed.

Also, make sure you're posting your content into the right communities. Have you joined any Discord servers or been shown the ropes yet? It can be a confusing place for someone who's new.

I notice that this post wasn't posted in OCD, which is the community for Introduction Posts and is a chance to get some eyes on new Hivians and let them meet the community. Maybe, it would be worth writing another Introduction Post and putting it in the right place.

Anyway, nice to meet you, welcome to Hive, you'll get the hang of it and then you'll start to meet people and your posts will start to get some more attention.


I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

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Man, thanks a lot for all the advice! Thats really helpful.

Didn't know about this OCD tag. I mean I knew about it, but I thought it meant 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder'... So I wasn't using this tag cause I thought I'm not affected by that xD

Hahaha, that's an understandable mistake, but, no it stands for Original Content Decentrilised. Their community is essentially the first stop for any new user who wants to write a post to introduce themselves and get started here, there are so many really helpful people there who will be able to show you the ropes and make the process fun.

It could be worth writing another post to introduce yourself, so you can get some attention and meet some other community members, or better yet, read through some other intro posts in their community to get an idea of what to write and say.

There are a few Discord servers that are places to ask questions and get help as needed, OCD and The Terminal are the first two I joined when I came here and there are a lot of people who can help you out with advice.

Happy Hiving, it really is a great platform, just be very careful when posting, plagerism of any kind is really frowned upon, so take your time and if you aren't sure of something, just ask people, if they don't have an answer, they will direct you to someone who does.



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