If you want your reputation to improve, add value to network. This means finding some creative aspect that you are interested in and then putting effort into that aspect when writing your posts.
The network rewards two types of people: those with a lot of money and those who post quality consistently. In order to get something out of STEEM you have to put something into it.
@greer184 I think you hit this one out of the park brother... Investing a couple thousand dollars will most certainly give you an edge, but I would argue that is the single biggest problem with the platform. Take a look at the "postees - not posts" who are consistently absorbing the entire reward pool and you will see what I mean. You can almost count them with both hands... I know that posting quality material is not necessarily a guarantee of success. It's a dam good start but far from being "the thing" that gets you there... Time and again I watch high quality posts sink into oblivion while "total crap" receives 10-20-50 SBD for the simple reason that they have a lot of SP... Sorry for the rant - needed to get that off my chest and I just happened to agree with you - mostly... Steem on...