Hi guys. Saw the 101 welcome here and decided to tell you a bit who am I.
Although I am new here and honestly didn't know about Hive ecosystem until now I've been to crypto for some time, but mostly from philosopical and moral reasons as I can see and visualise crypto, de-fi and everything connected to it as a another step in world and people changing.
Who am I and how I define myself.
I was born in Czech republic. Had wild but abundand childhood in small city. Sometimes I feel like being last generation that actualy spent all time rascaling with friends around the neighborhood. As a person in a midst of my thirties right now - back there we didn't know crime, kidnapping, huge traffic and all the problems of the modern world.
I started working when I was 15. After college I spent majority of my free time in some shitty sidejobs, but end up finishing college, starting university, failing university, started working fulltime, started entrepreneurship and studying university second time when i was 25. Graduated from law school but still didn't feel like this is the life for me.
As I didn't want to participate on corrupted system of a law (in which idealist like me tends to search for morality, etics and justice) I left my country for good and started living in Dominican republic with my wife.
So how I define myself?
As a 34 year old male, who takes full responsibility for his life. Working online to make some money, helping others same time. Trying to be a better person everyday and same time helping the world everyday. Lucky to meet my soulmate who can survive all my crazy ideas. In Puerto Plata locals now as mainly as two czech lawyers who are constantly feeding stray dogs and cats on the streets. Although we are renting our place here we adopted 11 cats and 1 stray dog.
I always feel like to philosophize a bit and search for wisdom, truth and reality.
I hope that only the best happens to all of you guys! Take care!
zdar chlape..
popici intro a zavidim tu dominikansku republiku, ja v Irsku prevazne moknem :)
Ty 34, ja 37 takze mozem iba odsuhlasit, ze nase dectvo najes generacie bolo DOKONALE! zjadne mobili, tablety, zjadne decke sedacky v autach a ked si chel vidiet kamosa tak si mu osobne musel zaklopat na dvere, ach, co ja by dal za to aby sa cas dal vratit..
tiez som na hive novy a stale si sam seba nevjem predstavit ako blogera, ale dufam, ze to sa coskoro v mojej hlave napravi..
take care chlape, urcite sa tu este stretneme..
Welcome to Hive buddy! See it similar to you. Defi is our chance at liberating people to be sovereign and free from digital surveillance systems. It has progressed to a stage where much of the primitive world we used to know is becoming redundant more quickly. A lot of the regulators are still having trouble to catch up to this fact. Maybe it is the solution to large corporations selling our data and coercive moulding us into place through political right/left agendas, creating differences, xenophobia and other forms of propaganda through media marketing narratives monopolised by a very specific lobby.
It's so inconspicuous trivial can have the potential for such a revolution, but it's evident if we understand that we never had the ability to communicate without intermediaries having the ability censor us.
Hive is literally a beacon in the world of time stamping publications for intellectual property using blockchains for artists, writers etc. and literally anyone into publishing promethean content that questions the status quo.
Crypto and web 3 is so much more than we think. Looking forward to reading more posts from you.
Thank you for warm welcome and supporting words! So grateful for finding this community and the opportunity to meet people with the same mindset and I totally agree with you - crypto, web3, and DeFi are much more than we even can think right now, as we judge things from today's perspective. Sometimes is really hard for me, to swallow the fact, that all of them are Plato's Cave for the majority of people.
There were moments I lost all faith in humanity and mankind... And there are moments returning that faith. Discovering this place is definitely one of those giving the faith back. Take care!
Welcome to Hive! I'm in crypto from a very similar reasons. This is a good place for people with this mindset :)
Thank you for warm welcome! Always happy to meet more people with such a mindset :)
Welcome to Hive
hey man!
welcome on chain ;) !
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Just read your post. Great to see here, an other person could do that. (Leave the sick west.) You made me remember to Jeff Berwick. (He moved to Mexico long years ago.) Left the western world (also corrupt finance sector) for good. Not an advertisment, but maybe you find interesting, provides good info about cryptos - rarely in his videos. Nothing what it seems to be, crypto is not an exception. On his video sharing site you can find up to date stuff.
Helped me a lot to understand, how basically the system owners own, have control over most of the cryptos - probably they even created it. His Chainlink inside is amazing, never heard that information from anybody else.
good luck!
Thank you for welcome, support and good tip! Never heard about the guy and based on what you're saying definitely worth a checking! Stay safe and good luck not only in poker :)
Zdravíčko do Dominikány! :) Jsem rád, že mi o vás můj polský kolega @deepresearch řekl, jinak bych na vás asi nenarazil, protože o naší malé české komunitě tady na Hive asi nevíte... Píše se v ní pod tagem #cesky, takže budete-li se chtít představit (v češtině) i tam, budeme moc rádi :) Já tam teda v podstatě nepřispívám, své posty píšu v 99% případů jen anglicky, ale pravidelně tam chodím komentovat a "kurátorovat" (= lajkovat články).
Intro máte parádní, vás životní styl je mi velmi blízký ;) Taky jsme s přítelkyní strávili několik let různě po světě. V Dominikáně jsme ale byli jen na skok, dlouhodobě jsme byli k vaší lokalitě nejblíž v Mexiku, asi dva roky... Takže "Gringo Checos" jsme byli nějakou dobu taky :D
Tenhle váš článek je už na upvote příliš starý (payouty se tu vyplácejí vždy po sedmi dnech, pak už vám post nevydělá nic), ale až postnete něco nového, tak vás rád podpořím ;) A klidně se ptejte, kdyby vás něco zajímalo. Ze začátku se tu většinou lidi cítí tak trochu "overwhelmed" z toho všeho, ale časem se všechno důležité dozvíte a naučíte ;) Btw ten plurál používám, jako že jste pár, jinak si tu samozřejmě všichni tykáme :D Navíc jsme i zhruba stejně staří ;)
Ahojky :) Díky za info. Určitě mrknu, tenhle týden se nám navalilo nějak moc práce, ale plánuji na Hive trávit hodně času, tak určitě se v #cesky objevím :) Ano, overwhelming to tady ze začatku trochu je, ale pozitivní dojmy aktuálně vládnou :D Díky a drž se!
Tak super, budem se těšit na tvoje intro :) Ta česká komunita na Hive je malinká, čítá jen několik málo desítek aktivních členů, ale jsou to vesměs fajn lidi, kteří drží spolu a pomáhají si. Vidím, že s angličtinou ale nemáš problém, takže můžeš mít větší ambice a cílit primárně na zahraniční publikum. Pokud se do budoucna plánuješ blogováním tady na Hive třeba i částečně živit, tak to bez networkingu nepůjde ;) Já bych mohl vyprávět, více či méně úspěšně se tu o to snažím už víc jak pět let :D