This is me and my journey into Splinterlands

in #introduceyourself3 years ago (edited)

Hi, my name is Anton but most people know me as groovy828 and I`m addicted to Splinterlands.
I am 40+ years old originally from Slovakia and live in the UK for 12 years now and this is my story how I get into Splinterlands.

Little bit about me.
Feel free to skip this part and also I never learn English so grammar and spelling mistakes included but you can read it with my accent and it will make more sense.
I born to a family with six kids and I was number 5 and first boy in the family. I was youngest member for 11 years than my brother born and he get all my sweets. :(
My family never had too much money and to be honest we didn`t have any money as my father had a drinking problem and he was also aggresive towards mum and us.
One winter he had an accident and he was in coma for six months before he passed. Next year 2022 it will be 30 years. From that moment it was just a mum who take care of us.
She did a great job and I always be grateful for that.

When I get an idea to recreate photo from my childhood I will never thought it will be our last family photo all together

Year 2018 supposed to be a great year as I was planning to have big birthday party and my mum could not wait for that when I talked to her in August that year. Month later she was hospitalized with last stage of brain cancer and instead of big party we had just a small family gathering.
She could not join as she was in hospital and in January 2019 she lost her fight. Since then I was down with depression and I did not play any game so Splinterlands could not be find sooner.
I am the one who always smiling, trying to make a better day to everyone around me, that is what my mum teach me to be kind to others and help them when they need. Even when I was deppresed.

How I found Splinterlands

Way to Splinterlands was little bit complicated. I started to trade on stock market this year, but because trading there is limited to 5 days a week and limited hours I slowly moved to crypto world.
Started just lurking on market as that time I knew just few cryptocurrency. After my time on market I was interested on mining and when I told to my friend about it, he just laughed at me and said I will not make any money on that. Oh boy he was so wrong. :) Problem is I can not build more as I have limited power due to my living situation which I choose not because I can not afford something else, but because I prefer humble living and save more money.
I live in static caravan, similar to the one from 8 mile movie but my bars are bad so kudos to Eminem. I had a lot of problems with roommates and after splitting up with my ex
and living with alcoholic for 2 years I finally found my peace in static caravan in the middle of nowhere.

I am sharing my place with my two Royal(ball) pythons. I like animals and when I was thinking on getting a pet I chose them as they are up on nights same as me and I don`t have much time for cat,dog or parrot.

And I have great neighbours

Clove was the reason I joined to Twitch and I found new family there.
I know I will forgot mention few of you so sorry for that but I`m close to the age when it happened sometimes.

After my initial investment in the game and watching a lot of streamers, I had another crazy idea.
I will be a streamer! I have everything for that I am single, no kids, no friends, no social life - even before covid and I like to talk to myself or to snakes.
I have no idea where I will be next year, but hopefully, I will start building my dream - small land with off-grid cabin.
So this is me. If you want to know me more come and hang out with me on my streams.But anyway back to Splinterland story. So no more mining rigs meant need to have a look for passive income. Through the Youtube recommendation I found @cryptostache and his amazing detailed videos about NFT games and I was hooked up. Created my account in Splinterlands 9th September and 3 days later guild too and managed to buy 2 plots. From @cryptostache videos I found others like @bulldog1205, @infidel1258 and one and only Queen @clove71. Most of them I listening only, due to time zone difference but my night shift always pass faster with them so here it is a huge shoutout @drabs587, @gameboyali, @skyn, @thercek aka SilentxNecrosis , OG @splinterlandshq, @holozor, @luthien12, @sgt-dan, @dubclub etc and again sorry if I missed you, I love you all.

Huge shoutout again to @drabs587 and @gameboyali to help me with setting up my OBS and stream deck for streaming, @rentaw03 for cool emojis, and in advance @cmmndrbawang for his help with future notifications. All splinterlands graphic is from @flauwy so definitely give him a follow and check his amazing work.

Feel free to follow me on Twitch


Wow I really want to get a snake aswell now. They are so cool!

Keep it up man!

Hey, buddy so happy you decided to join the hive community this is a great introduction post.

I never thought I would say this but those snakes are cute lol especially the one hanging out on your head that was a great picture. I like where you are staying too nice a detached from a lot of things looks very peaceful and serene hope to come to visit you someday out there and have a good time.

Thanks for sharing your story and all the best to you.
Much love my friend.


thank you bro I hope I can visit you too

Groovy I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. Cancer is a thief. I also lost my mom to cancer earlier this year. The pain of losing a parent is unlike any other. Lots of love to you. I love the idea of living in the middle of nowhere like you do! That is amazing. What a beautiful place to live! I think that is wonderful. <3 Thank you for being such a wonderful part of this community!


Thank you Luthien, I am so sorry for your loss too. 😢 Unfortunately it is pain that will never be healed. I think I was dragged into this community because of all the great people in it like you mamshie.🙂

I'm glad you are here in the community! I just need to catch your stream now! ~@clove71

Thank you Clove, I usually stream after my night shift around 7:30 GMT but on weekends in evening times.❤️

Eyy @groovy828 so glad to know more about you, man those snakes are awesome, my brother were keeping a couple of snakes before, including other exotic animals, even though I was never into them, I like watching them when my brother is playing with them. He got this large albino python, and the regular brown ones lol, I wish I had a picture of them.

I love your place by the way. Wish I could have something like that in the future, just live away from the city. I mean we are on a province right now but still it is so crowded for me sometimes, there are just times that we like to have that serene and quite places <3

See you around buddy!

You have been upvoted by ivarbj0rn (1).gif

omg i love the peace you have over there! looks slow and peaceful over there!

It is awesome here :)

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