That's an excellently composed and written piece. I'm very interested in what you are talking about, because I have always said that, "I am never ill", and I know that this has a bearing on my health. Placebo is a recognised medicine, because it works and that fact alone should lead to much more investigation and learning with regards to the mental faculties.
I have been dealing with health from a food and liquid intake perspective and have learned much about the body and how it works, but there appears to be an ongoing battle with mainstream medicine and treatment. life is a learning curve, it's steepness (should be stepth) is denoted by your perspective.
Thank you for posting, @conciousness.
That's great @gwb235! Disease doesn't exist dis ease does! If we understand why we are in dis ease we understand why we are sick! Happy to share my insights with you.
Wow, you've quoted me :). Indeed, we are almost told to be ill, sometimes, as people misinterpret the message and to be fair, the truth is hidden beneath a pile of agendas. I honestly feel that some people have an attachment and want to keep their dis-eases - their dis-comfort with life. It is theirs, and besides, they've never been so popular. I apologise for the crassness, but I am sure that you know that these people exist.
But, it is not a fair playing field. The deck's stacked and the dealers are crooked. A doctor will tell you that you have arthritis, when he means joint pain, as arthritis is Latin for joint pain. There is a different impact between telling someone that they have joint pain and telling them that they have arthritis.
I have an issue with centralisation and divison and when we remove the centralisation from medicine and treatment, then we will dissolve the division and rather than curing folk, we will all be keeping each other healthy, positive, energised and creative and happy. No, we will not each have an office :).
Look forward to more of your insights and thank you for responding to my comment.
Great I see you got already good insights! That's good to read as there are not many even though many start to understand something is wrong with the current system! Yes Arthritis and joint pain because of inflammation same with Polyps! If they are small its Polyps if they grow bigger its bowl cancer. Thank you for sharing your insights too!
Indeed, the language of medicine smelts of Legalese and the extremely dubious applications of such, causing confusion, not clarity. Ask anybody who has a condition or has been told that there is something wrong and they cannot explain it, because they think that is for the doctors and such to know, and it is their job to explain issues to people, but if this is the case, why are so many people misinformed or completely unaware?
Due to the present climate of our culture (I mean Western, Centralised, mainstream medcine), folk expect a doctor to prescribe a tablet and their chemist to supply it and for that tablet to work miracles. They expect doctors to cure them and if they can't, to refer them to someone who can, normally with gas and knives. What they do not realise is that doctors are there to 'treat' patients. Similar to dogs, really and I do not apologise for my crassness, in this case, if it has the chance to share transparent and honest realisations :).
I suspect that placebo does more for folk than the tablets that they take. In other words, the belief that they have in the tablets doing their job, has more effectiveness on their dis-ease than the contents of the tablet do. For one, the contents could contain such components as fluoride, which is not natural fluoride, but haxafluorosilicic acid, which is not a good ingredient, but they add it to water supplies here and there, so hey, must be just fine and dandy.
I digress slightly, but with regards to cancer, as you mentioned bowel cancer, in relation to polyps, and I understand what you are saying. I am a progressive researcher and somewhat eclectic, but not too holistic, as in, being able to see the whole picture, all of the time, but I can see the bigger picture and am always prepared to stand and be corrected. It's how we learn, but I research as well as I can, to avoid such pitfalls, as they can hinder progress unintentionally.
So, to polyps and cancer, or cancer, as you have covered the relevant polyp point, but I see cancer as a cancer in and of itself. The word, I mean. When a doctor says to a patient that they have cancer, what must the patient feel? The finality of it all (even if it is treatable) and the end of time approaching. The poreparation. Making sure those I leave behind will be okay.........
Fear is instilled, when somebody is told that they have 'The Big C'. I wonder if it is wise to give such credence, power and influence to the condition. Would it not be better to try to heal folk from the start, rather than to give the dis-ease time to become a belief, with a head start, so to speak. Instill positivity and healing with words that heal, not words that confirm a negative possibility.
To me it is a very simple thing to work out. If I have cancer, then the medi-doctors will offer me chemo or radio-therapies, or both. If this is the case, and it is (before they say those fateful words to you, "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more that we can do for you"), then I want no part of it and why should I wait for that day to admit that I am being treated by fools, liars or plain evil dudes?
We all have to make conscious decisions if we want to become fully conscious people. Sounds easy and strsight forward, but, and I have said it before, the deck is stacked.
Even I feel that I have gone on a little too much here :). Apologies for the tome and thenk you for the comment. I'm sure that I can learn a lot from your future posts and I look forward to them.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! You are in a position slowly more and more people getting there! This is great! And yes I hope, I can put even a bit more light on the picture!
I agree that slowly, but surely, people are getting there. You're in the right place to shed light on matters :).