That was a very nice introduction; it sounds very sincere! I found it while checking to see if you followed the re-steem requirement for my weekly contest.
Welcome to the platform. The contest actually requires that you re-steem the #happystore (not the contest itself). In case you don't know, the link with the hashtag is a search function that finds all posts using that tag. The actual happystore has the image with the happy faces. Click the tag, look for the post with the happyface image and click that. VERY SIMPLE! At the bottom of every post is the icon to re-steem. Click it and a message asking if you really want to do that pops up. Click OK (or YES; I don't remember) and you are good.
Oh! I forgot to mention that while at the #happystore, why not promote your latest posts at the same time?! Enter them under the POST PROMOTION category.
Thanks for the follow up @happyme. I found the post, upvoted, then resteemed it. I hope that validated my entry.
Also, I just replied to the Post Promotion category. I hope I did it right this time. :)
Yes, you did it perfectly! Thanks a lot.
Nice! :) Thank you, too @happyme! :)