Hallo steemians ..
I would like to introduce myself to steemians.
My name is Hery Mirja, commonly called @herykep.
I graduated from high school in subang area of responsibility.
I am currently 27 years old, living in the city of Lhokseumawe-nanggroe aceh darussalam, everyday I work as a travel lhokseeawe.Please support friends steemit Indonesia community so that together to make steemit Indonesia continues to succeed.
Here's my brief introduction in steemit, hopefully can continue to share here about Indonesia in particular and about the world generally.
welcome to steemit. I hope you will enjoy your account and keep posting your original content and the nice photos :)
Hi, welcome to steemit. Good Luck.
Selamat bergabung,
Selamat datang @herykep, mari membangun hubungan yang baik disini!
Salam hangat untukmu