SERENITY #1 - My Sunset Photography Collection (premature posted)

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

This is my premature post, i made a mistake while create this post.
So, check my another good at :

Thank You.

Holla back Steemians..
Wellcome on board with me @hidayatalfath

This post is my first serial of Sunset Photography.
I often wait for the Sun to set till i get a perfect time to klik the camera shutter.


Everyone can get a sunset like me, but everyone isn't blessed as me. ~@hidayatalfath


I'm glad to show you my Sunset Photography Collections that Originally i take by my self, with my iPhone camera, EOS 6D or my Gopro Hero 4.
The photos composition, exposure, colour and other parameter aren't good enough, but i glad to share you how i get a Serenity.

Well, check it out..


Welcome Hidayatalfath! I hope you enjoy here as much as i do !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me !

nice shot @hidayatalfath

Thank you @raviyanda, tapi ini postingan saya yang keliru, harusnya ini tersimpan sebagai Draft, tapi entah bagaimana saat saya cek kembali, ini sudah terposting dengan Hashtag yang tidak sesuai dan konten yang belum matang.

Kalau kamu berkenan, silahkan kunjungi postingan saya tentang sunset yang sudah sy sempurnakan di :

Terima kasih.

Amazing pictures @hidayatalfath. What camera do you use ?

Thanks @patriciagarcia, i often use iPhone 6 camera, Canon EOS 6D, and GoPro Hero 4.

But, this blog is premature, i made a mistake while preparing this blog.
If you would to see a better one, i was make it at :

Thank you.

Welcome my friend nice to me you i am @djnoel :)

Nice to know you..Thank you @djnoel for wellcoming me..

Welcome! Followed. Follow me back 😘