Introducing My Self through My Book - "Learn How to Make an Extra $1,000 per Month in Passive Income with Online Digital Assets

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

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Hi Everyone...
Just wanted to introduce myself and I hope to provide as much value as I can. I would love for anyone who is interested in what I do to connect with me and ask questions

I have a book that I'm sharing below may take a long time to read but I'll email you digital version to your inbox so you can find it conveniently in your inbox. Just click the link below.


I grew up in LA with my parents, who were refugees from the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. My dad wasn't really much of a well-educated guy, so he started out by washing dishes for a living. Later on, he eventually got into sewing clothes, and he also worked at a donut shop. Needless to say, he had a really hard time getting a job.

One night, he came home from work really frustrated. He was probably just not having it, or maybe he got into an argument with his boss, I don’t know. I was only around 4 years old at that time, and I was really excited to see him that night. So I went up to him and grabbed his leg, but somehow, he was different. He was just so irritated so he lifted his leg, flicked his leg like one would when flicking a bug away, and then I went flying, struck the wall and fell down. I couldn't understand what just happened, and I just felt really heartbroken. That night as I was trying to sleep, all I heard was just my parents arguing in their room.

After that incident, I swore to myself that I would never do something like that to any of my kids. My father never really spent too much time with us, because he was always working. As I grew up, I kind of felt that I didn't really have a father. Although he did help me with my multiplication table, played chess with me, etc. I guess I expected more from him. As of today, our relationship is okay. Although he doesn't really talk to me that much, and never really got to know me at all. Growing up, we were only spoken to when our dad would like us to do something. He rarely asked what's going on with our lives. My mom, on the other hand, was always there to take us out and spend time with us. She took us to the store to buy things, and we were always with her. I'm just so glad that she spent time with us. I don't really have much to say, but one fun memory that I will never forget is us singing Chinese songs inside the car. That was really fun.

As I got older, finances became a really big deal. My dad didn't want to spend money, and it came to a point where he actually hit my mom. It was the first time something like that happened. So I have no idea what to actually do. He's also a big guy compared to me, so I knew I would not be able to stop him. So what I did is just kind of pulled him away from my mom, yelling and saying stuff in order try to stop him. One time in the donut shop we used to own, he flared up again. This time, fortunately, I was already big enough to fight back. I also applied the things that I've learned from studying Taekwondo for a year. I saw him heading towards the back of the donut shop where my mom was. As he was about to grab my mom, I headlocked him then twisted him backwards. I grabbed him from behind and then placed my leg from behind his leg. I then performed a headlock and twisted him, so that he would fall down while tripping over my leg. The next thing I know, my dad had a crack on his forehead right above his nose and blood was dripping. He was trying to get up. As I was staring down at him, I've thought about delivering one last blow to send him back down to the ground for all the injustice I’ve felt. However, I just couldn't do it. So I fled the premises instead. I just went out of the donut shop and searched for a place to go to.

With those experiences, I thought how important it was to keep the family together. My dad didn't have a dad to teach him either because his father left him at a very young age. So he was kind of left alone in the dark to figure out things on his own. He didn't know what he was doing. I, on the other hand, felt like my father was never really there because he was busy working. I also didn't know what I was doing in terms of values or making mistakes. Also, I had made a lot of mistakes because I had to figure things out on my own. I really wished my dad was there to teach me, show me, and guide me so that I didn't have to commit so many mistakes. And maybe experience success much faster in anything and everything that I did. As far as meeting girls or going on dates, I knew nothing about it, so I figured it out all on my own. The same thing could be said about business. My dad wasn't really the business type of guy, so he didn't know what he was doing. I had to go out and seek answers with the help of teachers and books in order to learn how to be on my own.

As I see today, just like a pandemic, there's just a lot of divorces happening all across this nation. The best thing that we can do to help is to start with family. To bring the dads or the parents back home, so they can be there for their kids while making money at the same time. In California, it may take up to three incomes to make a living. We see parents not being present with their kids more and more. It's just like how my dad was to me, so I thought I won't do this to my own daughter. So I did my best to build a business through trial and error.

In the next few chapters, I would like to share with you the experience that I went through. How I was able to generate 6 figures in revenue, and at the same time be with my family, which is so important for me. I'm not the kind of guy who is trying to teach this thing where you can go out and be a rockstar, that's just not me. I'm more focused on family, because at the end of the day, all this money wouldn't matter if you don't have your family with you. If you have a divorce and your kids don't know you, all those millions wouldn't mean anything. My goal is to help parents free themselves from their 9-5 job. Generate just what they need to make a living, to pay the bills, pay the rent, and still have enough money so that they can also use that to have a good time, be able to go places, and spend more time with their kids.


With the help of my parents, I was able to buy a house for myself at a young age. I was only making about $3000 net every month, and mortgage is about $1500. After all the bills, insurance and everything else, I was only left with $300 in the bank and obviously still broke. That was when I started thinking that something's wrong, and asked myself, "Is that all there is in life?" I wake up, go to work, and do the same thing every single day.

I started as an Aerospace engineer, and worked in the same field for 5 years. In the year 2007, I got laid off, and got another job 2 months later as a Software engineer for an Aerospace company. Unfortunately, I got laid off again when the market crashed in 2008. At that time, I wanted to do something different, so I decided to learn about business and entered real estate for a change.

While I was trying to learn all about the business, I was out there day in and day out, chasing customers, waiting for them at the retail building under the hot sun in a black suit. I was doing too much work having to call leads, meeting with them, and doing one contract at a time. It was a lot of work and at that time, I didn't know how to outsource, or to get help and get the funnel fed. It was just me fumbling and stumbling.

I have been doing real estate for a while when the market crashed. It was the longest recession ever, and it took about two years for real estate to recover. I went on to take over the donut shop from my mom, because she wanted to get out of it, and wanted to pass it on to me and my wife. As soon as we took over, my wife got pregnant with our daughter Penelope. So she was out and it was just me running the shop, with the help of my aunt. It was so hard for me, because I didn't know what I was doing. I don't know how to run a business properly, just doing anything and everything I could, such as reading and studying how to make it profitable. I was thinking that there's got to be a magic formula on how you make more money. And I hate the fact that I just couldn't figure it out. The business then started losing around $2000 a month, so I thought I was done with it. When we first started the shop, we had to put about $23,000 in debt for equipment, supplies, training, and other expenses. We reached about almost $90,000 in credit card debt. Eventually, I could no longer pay the rent. My parents own the building, so they knew what was going on and wondered what was happening. So they came in and did what could be considered as a hostile takeover. So basically, I just abandoned it.

That was the lowest point of my life where we just had nothing. We prayed, we were scared, we didn’t know what to do, but we knew that God was there for us. Luckily, a friend of mine that we met from real estate, offered us to stay at his house to help his brother with real estate and finding deals, while my wife helped him and his wife get their kids ready for school. In exchange, we got free room and board. It’s amazing how out of the blue there are people around willing to provide that kind of support - provide our basic essential needs.

When we lost the donut shop, I talked to our pastor, and he told me that maybe God wanted me to get a job, that's why he's closing all these opportunities. So I took a blue collar job at a manufacturing plant. I was doing the same repetitive motions filling material in the bullet making machine over and over again, for 12hrs a day that my feet hurts so much during the first couple of days. Surprisingly, I got through a whole year doing that while doing internet marketing at the same time. I was always interested in SEO, so I was doing SEO and internet marketing. I started selling t-shirts and creating designs. While I wasn't really a designer, I did get a coach to help me figure it all out. After that, I decided to outsource. I was making about $12/hr at the bullet factory and I was hiring people at $1.50 or $1.25 /hr. I had a designer, a researcher, someone to create the products, someone to create the ads, and someone to manage everything. With that team, I was able to find a t-shirt design that eventually sold and made over $30,000 in two months. I made a profit for the first time and I was so happy. I thought to myself, I was working 12 hrs a day exhausted and tired and I never made this much money. But here I am, with the help of this team working for me, I was able to make it. It took me about 50 designs before I found the one that won and paid for all the losses and made all that money. And I’m telling you, it was worth it.

And that was the journey I took, and I went on to doing ecommerce and dropshipping products. I experienced struggles of breaking even with ecommerce and realizing that what I needed was to focus on list building and subscriptions. With my experience, I think that I have suffered enough to learn and help other people to not make the same mistakes I made. A coach would help put you in the right path to start off with. A lot of you are working really hard, and I know how it feels to be really hardworking, putting a lot of time yet barely getting any money at the end of the day. That is the main reason why I wanted to help others by sharing my experience and knowledge. I want to help parents actually become a part of their families, to be there for their kids, to guide and give their kids direction, and make a little extra money passively. This is possible with a team that they can invest their income in. If you are one of those people, let me help you.

I have developed a blueprint on how I would position depending on your current situation. If you don't have much money, or don't have much going on, start with Amazon. If you have a little more money and you can have a team working, start with ecommerce. But if you already have business with products launched, go straight into launching your products and building your list. They all feed off each other because with Amazon, you kind of need a list to build and to get a list, you need ecommerce. When you do ecommerce, you also send ads, break even on it unless you have a continuity, or funnel where every time you sell a product, you also sell a subscription and then upsell to a bigger product. That's how you need to set it up in order to make a profit.

I've been there and I didn't have the proper things in place, but now I've realized what this was and what's needed, and that’s what I have set up now. Remember, you never go to business if there's no recurring offer that you can make. A recurring offer is a subscription where customers pay month to month. It's hard to get that 1st customer but when they get that subscription that pays over and over, then it's great. It's totally up to you on how you retain these people by providing good value and they'll keep paying you over and over. That is what I would like to offer.

On the next chapter, I'll go into detail on the steps on how you can find products to sell, and how you can start listings in Amazon. Basically just throwing a bunch of products out there with research. It will gradually make sales on its own on Amazon, and once you make enough money you can probably start to build up that listing and rank it. All you have to do for now is send an inventory to it, and it will sell itself. After that, we'll talk about the level of complexity of ecommerce. It's all about how you can convert those leads that you get, and do some launching of digital products. If you know how to do certain things, such as building a bike or anything like that, you can teach those things, and then put them in a book or even multimedia. You may create a membership site, and then you can sell those things on your list. Now you have an asset that you built that you can sell over and over with no inventory, rather than a physical product. All you have to worry about is just getting your word out there.


If you have noticed, online sales is becoming very popular year after year, this is due to a number of reasons. These reasons include the convenience of buying from home, the explosion of Amazon, and being able to carry out tasks very quickly through mail without even having to go to the store and buy it. The ability of sellers to sell goods to people all over the world has made it easier for buyers to find more customizable products. With the help of the internet, we sellers are able to have our own brand, and create a style that no one else has. We also have the ability to open our store 24/7 from the comfort of our own home. Sellers can now make sales anytime and anywhere. We can make sales in the morning as we are waking up, or at night while we're sleeping, without actually having to be physically present at the store sitting and waiting for a customer. In short, it's doing the selling for us. The good thing with selling online is that unlike in physical stores, we don't have to worry about being rejected. People will read what they need to read. If they like it, they continue with the buying process. If not, they leave. One cool thing with internet marketing is that if a customer doesn't buy, we can remarket the product back to them over time. They also have the ability to opt out or decide to continue receiving our emails if they wanted to.

The two biggest things about internet marketing is that you focus on (1) building a list, and (2) building subscriptions. Why? Because it takes a lot of money to get customers to come in and buy. Without these two things, we are spending a lot of money reaching out to them over and over. Every time we bring them into a sale, we need to have upsells, subscriptions and bigger value items in the back end to increase the order value and make it more profitable. One common mistake a lot of sellers commit is focusing on selling THAT one thing over and over. Eventually, they're gonna break even and not really make it in internet marketing.

Internet marketing constantly changes and slows down. The only two things that are consistent would be your email list, and your recurring subscriptions which always comes in. As of now, I would not recommend you to enter into ecommerce if you don’t have all those systems in place. Woocommerce and Shopify has these capabilities but they're still developing it. We have actually moved a lot of our stuff to Woocommerce which is a wordpress site but you need to have all these extra plugins put together. With Woocommerce, you have to have your own fast and private server, which costs about $100 per month. The downside is that sometimes when there's an update, it does break and the developer has to go back in and update it before you can have it working again. It could be a headache for people who aren't very technical, or don't really know how to handle that stuff. If you are one of those people, I recommend that you use Shopify, since with Shopify, everything's already going to be set up for you. You also have the option to add a feature or app to your store.

If you're new to internet marketing, I'd recommend that you use Shopify. Get that all squared away and find what product you want to offer. Remember to create an irresistible low price offer, or low price product that you can get people to purchase with very low risk. Or spend a little amount of money on your store without having to worry about risking a lot more if you don't deliver. As you know, there's a lot of people who have purchased a lot of things online, and got disappointed about other vendors. Your first offer should include a low priced subscription of some sort. Like $20 or $30 offer to a subscription box or a monthly shirt or anything you find interesting to sell. And then be able to offer that and deliver that to them every single month. Next include an upsell of something bigger, like a case or accessory that helps with it, or a cleaner or something. That additional income from the upsell will pay for the ads and put you in profit. It is what brings you the profit for that 1st month until the next subscription month.

Being able to sell products instead of your time is what's going to enable you to hire more people, and eventually have that money to build your system and your business. Imagine, if you're getting $15 or $20 per hour, if you can sell a product for $10 profit and be able to sell 5 of this within an hour, then that's $50/hr. If you sell 10, then that's $100/hr. The key is to try to do this consistently. If you can do this consistently then you will increase your value and that means there's really no limit on what you can make. Unlike when you are employed, where your income is limited and would depend on what you have agreed upon with your employer.

Sometimes, when times are tough and you don't have the knowledge, skills, and tools to start your own online business, you may opt to stay at your job in the meantime where you're getting paid (let's say, $20/hr) for you to be able to hire someone in the Philippines for $1.50 to $2.50 per hour which is kind of reasonable enough to make a living in the Philippines. With that, they are able to work on your business full-time to help build it, help put things into place, and help you generate sales through advertising while you work at your current job.

For people who don't have a $20 to $30 job, you can drive Uber wherein you can get paid to drive. You can use some of those proceeds to hire one person to help you build your store full-time. Go to and use our training videos to hire someone to work on your business. All in all, what's great about this is that if you are able to acquire skills, and learn how to make sales online. You would then eventually not have to sell your time. The idea is to have those sales far exceed what you're currently earning in order for it to relieve you of that position eventually. If you want to, you can still do both at the same time. That way, you can double your income and use that extra money to buy more real estate, more assets, rental property, and perpetually continue from that point on if you enjoy the work that you do but not have to worry or rely about your boss.

Definitely, it has been quite an experience for us. We generated over $350,000 in revenue in 2016, and we didn't even have everything in place. I saw a lot of money coming in and going out, and I don’t want you guys to make the same mistakes I did. I definitely learned from it trying to figure out what's going on. As I made more, I also spent more and that was my fault. I learned the hard way and I learned that I didn't need that many people. I just need the very minimum to generate an income and leave it at that. The thing is you either stay small and rich or go big and broke. I have already made those mistakes. It's cool when money comes in quickly, but we could make more if we are able to control our expenses. No one's ever taught me how to do this and these are the things I have learned that I can probably pass on to you guys if you decide that this is what you want to do.

On the next chapter, I would talk about the overall blueprint on how you would push it if you're starting from scratch again, and how to build your way up to a stable income that you will eventually be making in the marketplace.


This is the overall blueprint that I have made depending on your situation. If you have no income or job, what you'll want to do is to get one. If you have a decent car and insurance then you can actually try to drive an Uber. With Uber, there's no need for an interview, so it's pretty much a done deal. What you wanna do is go into the low paying job category as you're doing Uber which averages about $10-15 per hour. I've done it before and I thought, "Why should I work on my business when I can have people work for me at $1.50 to $2.50 an hour, then I can work Uber to pay for those salaries, because I'm more effective doing Uber than working on my own business?" Let them work on it, let them build it, and focus your time out there making money to be able to pay them to get everything started. When Amazon starts kicking off sales, then it will start to pay for itself. After that, you'll just see yourself making money off Uber and Amazon.

If you’re in the high paying job category, go ahead and set up your ecommerce store. Start Facebook advertising, and start building a list so you can send emails, as well as market and advertise your products and sell on ecommerce. At the same time, you have to also rank and build your Amazon products so that you continue to get sales from Amazon. Ecommerce is great, but it needs some components like list building, a subscription product, and some kind of an upsell to a bigger offer. Because you're going to break even in ecommerce, no matter what. Unless you have the subscription and bigger upsell offer, you're not going to make money off of it. That is because Facebook advertising is gonna eat up all the profit from it. Remember, that you need to have all of these components in order to be profitable. I didn't know about it before, so I had struggled trying to figure out why things weren't working. Now, I have made sure that I have these components in here before I even start any ecommerce advertising. You're going to be on the same category (low paying job) until your list and subscriptions are in place and you can start advertising. And then use your list to rank up and give away products on your Amazon listings to get reviews. Once the reviews are up, then it's going to be a self sustaining system.

Once you get into the small business category, you'll probably have your own products that you want to list that you can put directly on Amazon. You can also teach (digital products) once you've built a list. Teach others about what you do, like how you created that store, marketing strategy, etc. Once you've done it, then you can help other people do the same thing through your courses. The good thing with selling digital products is that this stuff has no inventory. You sell ebooks all day long and not have to worry about inventory. It fulfills automatically, they just download it and the material gets sent to their email. This is indeed an awesome way to go, but you have to invest time to create it while you're working at your high paying job which you might not have time to do. Once Amazon and ecommerce start to free you up, then you can start going into digital products. For small businesses, you just get your stuff on Amazon basically systematizing your entire business, which you are kind of already getting into anyway.

One essential component of any category is outsourcing. You are kind of investing, putting a little bit of money in, and what you get out is sales that are more than enough to pay for what you put in. What I'll be teaching in this book is how to start an Amazon business, so if you want to know anything else (e.g. ecommerce) in detail, you may visit our site and sign up for our courses, and we'll provide you these training courses. They're all in sub modules, and each of them has components that you have to build over time, and you can have your team build every single component of your business with the training that we provide for you. In this book don’t expect too much about outsourcing. A video on how we upload researched products is included, along with some.sample screenshots for better understanding. We will outline a simple process that you can use to do it yourself, and once you’re familiar with it, then you can learn to outsource and hire someone to do it. The outsourcer could do it for you, and learn it for you. But then you wouldn't know what's going on, and you are kind of in the dark. So make sure that you're also familiar with it. It's a long process, but you're highly unlikely to succeed unless you outsource.


This is how to do research for product ideas. What you would want do is go to to get ideas from people who have voted socially on what they have liked or disliked. Example: let's say you wanted to pick a soccer image. Just type soccer quotes. Based on the pins, you will see which ones got many votes. When they re-pin it, it means they liked it and that's the social signal. Then you would want to go to these stores or companies, which sell t-shirts, cases, curtains, pillow cases, photo albums, tote bag, mugs, towels, etc. You can get a designer to put that design or quote on whatever product you want to put it on, and use a template to do it. Once this is already made, then you should go on to your next step on uploading it to Amazon.

What you needed do is set up a store using either Wordpress or Shopify. You can go ahead and choose between the two. If you're tech savvy, and you can install a website, and you can manage all the plugins, then go with Wordpress. It has a lot of flexibility which I really like. If you're not comfortable with it, and you're not really much of a tech-savvy person, then you can go with Shopify. You just sign up, and all you have to do is just click a button and it already installs everything for you. Once you have created your product, then you can go into the next step, which is uploading all those products that you have created to Amazon, where you're probably going to get a sale or two. Over time, as it continues to sell more and more, it will rank for more and more keywords. On top of that, you'll start to make some individual sales to a point where you'll have enough money to actually send traffic to your store, and actually make the sale directly on your store. As soon as a sale comes in from Amazon, it will connect to your store like Shopify, and Shopify will then connect to these stores, and then it will automatically print and dropship it directly to your customer. You don’t have to worry about customer service, because it's all being taken cared of by Amazon. You just need to make the connections and provide the products for Amazon to sell. That's basically it. If you need more details on how to do this or see a video, then you should visit our website and checkout other products that we create. You'll see a demonstration on how we do it, and get you up and running quicker. Otherwise, you can definitely figure this out on your own.


What you first needed to do is to be able to find people off I used to use Odesk (now Upwork), but they are a little bit more expensive, and I feel that the output that you get isn't any better or different.

At the end of the day, it still depends on how you screen and how you find hidden talents. I personally look for people who work hard, who are loyal, and who are dedicated and have much more better talent than I would have myself. The problem is as soon as you get an application on, you get over 200 people applying for the job and it's just too difficult to screen that many people. It's a full time job in itself to find that hidden talent in the haystack.

What you need to do is to have an assistant to filter out all of those applicants. A test is what we actually used to filter out and eliminate a lot of lazy people. A lot of lazy people won't take the test. At the same time, you need to make your application and sell your company much better than other people. Because if your company sounds not that great or not too exciting, then no one's really going to apply.

For a subject line, put something general like "Hiring for a virtual assistant, no experience necessary, we will train you. That's the subject line I usually use because that opens up to everyone. Everyone wants a virtual assistant job, not everyone has experience, and everyone should be trained so it’s like a job for everyone. You may also indicate that it's a full-time work and you can probably put weekly pay on the subject line to make it really enticing.

Once you're in the description, give a little spiel about what you're looking for, and a little info about the tasks. Just put that you're looking for just a general virtual assistant, to do a little bit of research, or do some basic task management, and coordinate task with other people, etc. Any other task that you give that you need help with. Usually, the first person I hire is for product research. I put everyone for product research because based on that, you'll be able to find some hidden talents like people which kind of catch on real quick, and people who just do a really good job.

In the application, I have a test which goes directly to my Mailchimp autoresponder and that test is an English test. Just Google English test and find one that you like. Once you find that, ask them to go to to download a screen recorder for free. Once they have downloaded it, they have to take the test while recording and reading out loud the questions and the answer, so that way you can get a feel of how fluent they are in English. They have to be able to upload the video so that you can see it.

Another thing that I ask them to do is to run a bandwidth test. Again, just go to Google and type bandwidth test. There are some links there on which bandwidth test you would want them to take. Tell them to upload the results and screenshot the results too. With the internet speed, they need to have at least 3 mbps download speed and at least 1mbps upload speed. Sometimes they might be a little bit shy like .75mb and it's okay. If their internet is too slow, you'll notice it during the interview as you won't be able to talk to them.

After that, I also require them to take a typing test to see how fast they type. For typing, they should be able to type at least 35 wpm or higher. This series of tests would bring the applicants down to about 20.

Some people would email us and give us their resume. Just reply back or fix your settings in Gmail, so that whenever you get an email from Onlinejobs, it will automatically send an email to them telling them they must take the test first in order to be considered.

Once you get an application from your autoresponder that you have a new subscriber, then go ahead and review the application. If it meets the criteria for internet, typing speed and english test (85% or higher) then set up an interview on Skype. In the autoresponder, also ask them to put their Skype information so you can quickly contact them, instead of having to email back and forth trying to get their Skype name. Then you can go ahead now set up an interview.

Interview Questions

  1. Hi _____,

  2. How are you?

  3. Can you tell me a little about yourself, your background, and work history?

  4. What are your strengths?

  5. What are your weaknesses?

  6. What do you love most about working?

  7. What do you Hate most about working?

  8. What happened to your previous employer?

  9. Do you have any questions for me?

  10. Are you married, in a relationship or single?

  11. Do you have kids? Age?

  12. Are you supporting yourself? Are you living alone, or with family?

  13. How flexible are your hours? Night shift? Day Shift? Or is it flexible?

  14. What part of Philippines do you live in? Is that a big or small city?

  15. I’m also interviewing other people. What is the absolute lowest you are willing to take for full time work in USD per month?

  16. Can you go any lower?

  17. I don’t want you to work multiple contracts while working for me. If I find out that you are, it’s an immediate termination. Are you ok with that and with that pay rate you proposed?

  18. How soon can you start?I’d like to put you on a 2 day trial, if we keep you it will be paid but if you’re too slow are aren’t keeping up and you’re not benefiting us then we won’t keep you and it won’t be paid. Are you ok with that?
    Interview Questions Explained

I have a little set of questions that I use during interviews. Let me go through these questions for you and explain why I ask these questions.

  1. Hi _____,

  2. How are you?

  3. Can you tell me a little about yourself, your background, and work history?

First, introduce yourself, greet them and say hi. Then you ask them to tell a little about themselves and their work history. This is just to get the conversation going. You can tell as they're talking whether you can have confidence in their personality or their character. You try to get a feel of their character, their confidence, and their work attitude, as well as how fluent they are in English.

  1. What are your strengths?

  2. What are your weaknesses?

  3. What do you love most about working?

  4. What do you Hate most about working?

I test their strength. What they love doing the most is where I like to put them in, because what they love is usually what their strength is, and what they hate is where I usually don't put them into. If I'm hiring for SEO and they hate technical work, why put them in there? I put them somewhere else or they might not be a good fit.

  1. What happened to your previous employer?

I like to ask what happened to their previous employer. I'd like to know what happened - did the owner let them go, did they get fired or whatever. That gives me an idea of what's going on. It might reveal something about their work experience, work ethic or something like that.

  1. Do you have any questions for me?

Let them ask questions so that we can inform them on what the job is going to

  1. Are you married, in a relationship or single?

  2. Do you have kids? Age?

  3. Are you supporting yourself? Are you living alone, or with family?

It's also important to ask if they have kids and family. This will give you an idea if they will need more money or less money. If they have a family or kids they can demand more. Also, kids can be a distraction, that is why you have to ask how old they are. If they have young kids, they might not wanna work day shift because they would have their kids distracting them all the time during the day.

  1. How flexible are your hours? Night shift? Day Shift? Or is it flexible?

Ask how flexible their hours are - can they do day shift or night shift? I like to have employees who are kind of flexible. For me, I'd like to have them work nightshift (their time) so that I can train them during the day (my time) Once done, they can work on any schedule that they prefer.

  1. What part of Philippines do you live in? Is that a big or small city?

I also ask if they live in a big or small city. That kind of gives me an idea what their demands are: if they live in a big city then they're gonna want more money. Smaller city, they need less money. That way, I can negotiate better.

  1. I’m also interviewing other people. What is the absolute lowest you are willing to take for full time work in USD per month?

  2. Can you go any lower?

Before I talk about the offer, I tell them that I am interviewing other people. That way, it makes them think that the job is limited and that I'm considering other people for the job. After that, I ask them what's the absolute lowest (salary) they are willing to take for full-time work. Then they give me an offer. Usually, it's pretty high and of course you want them to go lower. You simply ask can you go lower, to negotiate. Then they'll give you a lower amount. Then you ask them again can you go lower again? I noticed this works better on the rural people or people who live in the rural towns because they can go lower. They'll quote something high then they'll cut it in half for $400 or $200 right away or something crazy. This is what you have to remember. If they go lower than $200-300 they're probably just desperate and they're probably just wanting some money or they are probably never going to perform. I noticed that I can get them lower to $150, but the quality of work and the people I get isn't as good as the ones demanding $300 and above. If you can't afford it, just ask if they can go lower. That way, they'll feel justified and they don't feel cheated that you tried to force them to a lower salary.

  1. I don’t want you to work multiple contracts while working for me. If I find out that you are, it’s an immediate termination. Are you ok with that and with that pay rate you proposed?

Also, I want to make sure that they don't work multiple contracts, sometimes they negotiate lower because they got multiple contracts. If they say they can't then ask what's the absolute lowest they can do for full-time work dedicated to you only? Then they'll come back up and that's the lowest that you can go with them.

  1. How soon can you start?I’d like to put you on a 2 day trial, if we keep you it will be paid but if you’re too slow are aren’t keeping up and you’re not benefiting us then we won’t keep you and it won’t be paid. Are you ok with that?

If you like them, put them on a 2 day trial. Hire everyone that you know you’ll like. I've noticed I've hired over 8 people for SEO and only 1 or 2 really stuck around. They all kind of dropped out. I don't know why, but they have excuses. In case they don't show up on the 1st day then let them go. You don't have to hire everyone, just pick the best one that you wanted to keep. Just hire all that you wanted to try. You're getting two days of free work from them. If they're good, then keep them around. Go ahead and hire them, bring them aboard, then at the end of the day you're going to have to narrow it down to what you'll be able to afford. You can't hire more than what you can afford, so you got two days to figure that out.

That is pretty much it once they're on board. You would want them to go over and read your company's Strategic objectives and Core policies.


Once you’ve created a product to sell, (e.g. a mug) you should set up an account with a vendor, such as Gear Bubble, Teelaunch, or Custom Cat. (Google them, you will find them) Once you are done with that, and you already have a researcher, and then the designer already created a product, then you could now upload it to any of the aforementioned sites.

You can fulfill these items, and then create an account with Amazon. You could start off for free, but Amazon charges a dollar per listing. Also, once your listing increases to over 40 listings, then you’ll want to go pro with Amazon seller. (Just Google that, and you’ll see how to set up an account) With that setup, then it’s all about uploading a ton of listings and creating a lot of products. Then just put them on Amazon. You’ll eventually get some sales alerts, which then, will need to be lead into one of your fulfillment vendors. So if you are using Shopify on be-seen-list, it will just auto-fulfill on its own. Otherwise, you have to do it manually. In order to do it manually, just go to your Gear Bubble, Teelaunch, or Custom Cat account. Then process the orders manually from there, and dropship it directly to them.

For people who aren’t really internet savvy, I’d recommend to just use Shopify. Otherwise, if you happen to be internet savvy, then I’d suggest you try to use Woocommerce. However, take note that Woocommerce is still kind of in an experimental stage right now. I know you could do it for sure with Shopify. As for me, the reason I’m moving to Woocommerce is that I don’t want to pay all those extra fees and what not. Another thing I’m not really too fond of is that they get commissions for every transaction. I also have other reasons, such as server issues. If they have stuff like that on their side, then I have no control of it. My current team also still doesn’t know how to do it, which is why we are close to piecing it together. That way, we can move away from Shopify, which we’ve been dependent on. It just depends on how you want to approach it.

Now you’ll also want to create a system. You’ll want to use a project management system like the DaPulse. Go to the, and then create a system workflow for your team: so you have a researcher that does research full-time, a designer that designs full-time, and then a project manager that lists all the Amazon listings on Amazon. Just to give you some estimates, for me, for a high-end product, it takes me about 200 listings to average one to three sales a day. This with $90 products. 200 listings is something I cannot do on my own. I need a team to do this consistently in order to reach those numbers, which is why the success is there. If you try doing it yourself, you’ll most likely eventually get bored, life happens, you are not making money fast enough, or you then you got a job and end up always busy, so no one else works on it anymore, and in the end, you’ll fail. That is why it is very important that you do hire at least a project manager and a designer, to begin with. You can just hire an extra researcher later on. The project manager and the designer can do both together. However, it will be a much slower phase, but at least they can do it consistently. If ever you hire a designer only, you can probably have that designer do everything. But that takes them away from designing. It’s best to just stick to whatever you can afford, or whatever you can do. Plan it accordingly.


That is basically it. There is really no magic to it, just a lot of hard work to get your listing on there. And so, if you want to quadruple your sales, then you need to quadruple the listing. So for me, if you want to move on from 3 to 8 sales a day, I have to increase my listings from about 300 to 800 listings. And that will be going towards the average in about from 3 to 5 sales a day now. What I’d say is made up about 300 to 400 listings. Just be consistent and just get your stuff up there. Once you got your stuff up there, we will try going to our next level of building a list. Then you can actually power up your listings that you’ve created, by sending the email list that you’ve made and your Amazon products. And they’ll click on to it. On top of that, you’ll have full commissions on your own products that you sell. And that’s really amazing.

All we have at this point is to take action and to go for that. And then you'd get further and deeper into this. There is so much you can do if you wanted to. Or you could just be content focusing on Amazon and be happy to able make enough income to replace your current job. And this will definitely do that for you.

If you want to learn more as you get into it, then you can get a study with me by going to We have different levels that you can get into, depending on where you are. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book. I look forward to meeting with you, and I’m looking forward to you being a part of my community at Thanks.

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