It's lovely and awesome to see the introduction post!
I have often said that I'm the "creator" of the @asapers or that I've "launched" the @asapers. But, I'm not the "inventor".
To me, this is still very true, but I would never have been able to do it without you guys. I had an idea and that idea evolved to something even more magnificent than I first imagined, all because of you. You developed the idea further and you came up with the whole @asapers project... So without you, the @asapers would most likely never have been borned.
This is also something I have said in the past, that the @asapers wouldn't exist without you or the immense impact @fulltimegeek's Stewards of Gondor initiative had on me.
However, what I haven't done as much as I probably should've done, is to give all of you a bunch more credits for everything you have done. It was the SOG initiative and FTG's generosity that gave me the inspiration to do something similar myself, but without the core group, it wouldn't have been as awesome as it is today.
It takes two to tango, and we're having a huge dance party.
Thank you for writing this. It certainly put things in a better perspective and thank you for everything you have done, and everything you will do.
I wish you the best of luck with the addition to your real life family. :)