My name Is Pavel. I'm stydying in Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology and interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Also I'm searching some anwers on questions connected with economy aspects of my country. My post try to understand and describe what is happening now in our industry, financial, bank and IT spheres. I think, they would be devide on two kinds:
- information from official sourses, mass medias
- my own subjective opinion.
To my mind, it can show what usual people like me think about different happenings. How decisions of government ifluence of our lifes. I will try to be active and publish posts in interval of 1-2 day. So If You like my idea, i will be happy to get Your vote and subscribtion :)
PS. on the photos You can see me,and the building of university where i'm stydying.
Welcome to our community :)
Pavel, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and Russia is cool.