
That will depend on the current market value. You'll need to check the price of STEEM and STEEM Dollars at your favorite exchange.

ok .. example that.. my wallet has 50$ and steem dollars value is like at this time.. in 50$ how much % i will be able to withdraw

You can easily check that in your Wallet, under "Estimated Account Value". That number is based on the amount of STEEM, STEEM Power and STEEM Dollars you have and the current market value.

ok dear.. steem, steem power, or steem dollars.. these are 3 type of money in this steemit.. which of these types i can withdraw or all 3 i can withdraw?

Yes. You can withdraw all 3. However, to withdraw STEEM Power, you'll need to do a Power Down, which will then transfer the STEEM Power into STEEM in amounts every week. The Power Down process lasts 3 months, meaning that every week you get only a small portion of it until the 3 months have passed.