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RE: Introducing : Steemit Philippines : Building Communities, Enriching Lives #STEEMPH

Oh definitely! You need guidance when going to South of France! Hah, you will love me for those awesome tarts in Lisbon. My November needs finalising, but flight is booked ;)
Surfing time i think will be on that weekend outside Lisbon. There is a place apparently 30 minutes away by train.
Hope to see yahhh Marly!!!!


Oh I've been to the South of France once and LOVED it! I did a road trip from Italy to Spain, crossing the French Riviera. So lovely!

Cool, so then we gonna see each other at the big fest! Nice!

Surfing time i think will be on that weekend outside Lisbon. There is a place apparently 30 minutes away by train.

I will try to organize something for the surfers among us. Maybe be can go all together having a surf on Saturday. However, I'm not sure if we can surf there in November, this must be pretty cold!! Haha! I will need to bring my extra-thick wetsuit though...

Oh i thought die-hard surfers aren't afraid of a little cold ;)
You missed going to Fragonard perfumerie in Grassé lolsss! !