Oh definitely! You need guidance when going to South of France! Hah, you will love me for those awesome tarts in Lisbon. My November needs finalising, but flight is booked ;)
Surfing time i think will be on that weekend outside Lisbon. There is a place apparently 30 minutes away by train.
Hope to see yahhh Marly!!!!
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Oh I've been to the South of France once and LOVED it! I did a road trip from Italy to Spain, crossing the French Riviera. So lovely!
Cool, so then we gonna see each other at the big fest! Nice!
I will try to organize something for the surfers among us. Maybe be can go all together having a surf on Saturday. However, I'm not sure if we can surf there in November, this must be pretty cold!! Haha! I will need to bring my extra-thick wetsuit though...
Oh i thought die-hard surfers aren't afraid of a little cold ;)
You missed going to Fragonard perfumerie in Grassé lolsss! !