Hello everybody, my nickname is INTJ and im just starting my steemit and dtube adventure. Nickname is not random - its name of specyfic psychological type in MBTI personality clasification. We (INTJ's) are one of the most rare personalitiy type (2% of population), often called masterminds or architects. I know this doesnt say anything to You yet but i will describe personality types and their relations in videos that i will upload to dtube later. Im 24 y.o, i live in Poland in center of Europe, study biology but my passions are vast so i never restrain myself to only talk about one thing. I've had many relationships in my life, and i always felt that they are the most important thing to achieve for me. Maybe i will share more of my stories IF i see encourage from Your side. I will talk about many things like economy, politics, news that shake world, biology, dietetics, psychology, practical philosophy and much more. You probably will see some movie reviews and other people talking with me on many topics (i guees only women will be my guests, i was always more surrounded by them). I will decide IF i want to show my face becouse beeing popular may be also a burden, sometimes quite heavy walk with through life. I have to say that im not C2 in english and my accent may be funny to You, but im trying my best. I've studied english phonetics for some time. To put some light on what intj personalities are like i will show you the names so You can create an imige of that kind of person without need to read about mbti ( it is life changing to discover it, yet it has some flaws that i will talk about). Typical examples of intj are : Nikola tesla, Palpatine, PhD Gregory House, Voldemort/Tom Riddle, the architect from matrix, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sherlock Holmes, Bruce Wayne Batman, Severus Snape, Elrond (Lords of rings), Walter White (breaking bad), Kreia (Knights of the old republic sith Lords), probably PhD Jordan B Peterson but he is difficult to type and its only my assumption (yet others seem to agree on that). Wish me luck becouse it is totally new experience to me, i need even to buy a microphone ( i dont like to hear squeaky noises myself so i wont damage your ears, dont worry :) ). I had some experience with sound editing (audacity) but not beond that.Im also a video games player, especially S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise so i will make gameplayes of it. i would love to record some nice gameplay for you guys, to show you mods that are there, or to show how to mod stalker ( yes i was trying to mod it to make it more hard ). You may also expect to see some nature native to my country. IF You have any questions just ask, im very open person and i love to talk. Have a nice day people... PS. my meme folder is quite big so prepere yourself
Hi @intj ! Great post, i like it, i just upvoted it ! PS: you may like to follow me ... @legsnheels
thanks :)
Welcome to Steemit from Indonesia, this is an amazing platform for creativity and imagination. Share, comment and make friends
hi there :D
Co to znaczy jak wychodzi mi zawsze na zmianę INTJ z INTP?
or that
to measure, they give very simmilar results in contrast to 16types test (i even scored istj there which is nonsense in my case). http://similarminds.com/embj.html https://www.idrlabs.com/test.php
Zawsze w 16personalities wychodziło mi bardzo duże przesunięcie w stronę T, a J/P były 50/50.
No i znowu, w pierwszym teście mi wyszło INTP
( Introverted (I) 78.57% Extroverted (E) 21.43%
Intuitive (N) 53.57% Sensing (S) 46.43%
Thinking (T) 77.14% Feeling (F) 22.86%
Perceiving (P) 53.33% Judging (J) 46.67%)
różnica między Ni a Ne jest taka że Ni buduje jakby swój koncept wokół jednej zasady, robi schematy ze schematów, jest to funkcja "przewidywania przyszłości", Ne jest funkcją można powiedzieć post modernistów - funkcja możliwości, równości możliwości, preferencji wielu możliwości, Fi - wewnętrzne zasady i emocje, Ti- postępowanie logiczne, myślenie logiczne, Fe- jakby zasady grupy ponad własne, coś takiego. Te to funkcja używania obiektywnych danych (możliwe że ich wykonywanie również zadań, zarządzanie)
Welcome to the best community ever which values our hardwork . Hope you'll have good time here. Gud people are waiting for you... Feel free to share what you like with me and be in touch @sarinakhan
i am too waiting for them :) have a nice day
Hey there and welcome to Steemit!
If you have any questions or tutorial requests, you can always turn to me😀
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thanks for offering your help :)