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RE: Curt Ross

Yeah, this happens. If the vote total is low, you can just look at the vote counter to see if they voted, otherwise use

Anytime someone says I followed you and I hope you'll follow me, you can bet they are shady. Just click on their profile and see what's up. He has 200 some people he's following and 1600 some followers, clearly he's getting more people following him back than he is actually following.

His comments are another red flag, although he's more clever than most by changing up his comments, in regards to how he phrases it.

Lastly, his wallet with a high SBD amount compared to SP and liquid tells me he buys a lot of votes. Which is you look at his high payout posts, are all bid bot voters. That's the biggest downside (among many others) imo, to bid bots, is that you can essentially buy your reputation now.

I would simply disregard him.


Thanks for the help as always. Need to learn the investigation skills. It definitely makes sense now.