What about squash cider??? Can that happeN? I want to try some of that...it's carbohydrates isn't it? When's your birthday Jess? I'm a 2 minutes from midnight fire tiger, the luckiest of tigers. I love intuition, especially that feeling when you really make a hard left turn and do something you wouldn't normally, an come into something fabulous!
So, a few years ago, I was walking home from a bar, while visiting my friend Tyler in Seattle...and it was raining hard, and we were a fair deal past sober...and we had like 25 city blocks to walk back, it must be 3am in the morning.. and we go past this bus stop, and there's a guy sitting in there, it's dark out, I can barely see his face...and everything is just raining, I'm so wet.
It isn't until I literally get to the end of the block, that this little feeling finally explodes inside me, I KNEW him, but you know it's wet out, it's 3 in the morning, and yayaya.. but I turned around anyway, walked back to this guy at the bus stop, and said 'hey!'...
and we just stared at each other's faces for moments...and I said "Jordan??"
We cracked up...he was a friend from Highschool that I hadn't seen in ten years, we all thought he was dead...anyway, I felt so fricken happy !!!! Definitely a prized moment of listening to my intuition! We got to hang out that weekend :P
Squash cider is definitely a new idea! One Danyota may or may not raise his feathery eyebrows at. He has made a pizza ale, and a hawaiian pizza ale...contrary to people's intuition, what was produced was like a fucking sparkly, delicious pizza champagne. so if you can put tomatoes in then maybe you can put squash in. Worth a small batch test for sure!
Also, I recently ran into someone I knew ten years ago on a beach called Playa Escondida in Ecuador. We were not even very good friends and I immediately knew her name. We were the only two people staying at the hotel there. She later made out with a friend in desperate need of some sexual healing, so all in all it was a great reunion!
That's amazingggg! I love it when those things happen! My birthday is April 12. I am very much an Aries. What about you???
of course you are! I always fall in love with Aries girls! I've got like 12 consecutive years of being in love with ladies that have Aries/Taurus cusp sun signs. Mine is July 9th, Cancer Sun, Leo Moon, Pisces rising.