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RE: Hi there. I have devoted my life to health. It's my dream to help everyone live forever!

Wow thats fantastic Billtwohearts!! These are all similar to the ways that I heal myself of any ailments. I believe it is very important to catch the slightest thing (problem) before it snowballs into something much larger. Also new science is coming out about neuroplasticity of the brain. This means no matter how old or damaged our brains are we can repair it and grow new cells. Also herbs that can help such as Ginkgo Biloba, Grow some Gotu Kola near a wet patch/pond (loves wet feet). The leaf of these plants even look like a brain with 2 cerebral hemispheres. The Chinese who love in the areas that Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola grew say that if you eat just 2 leaves a day you can live to 100yo. Much love Billy Two Heart.