Well fellow Steemians, I made it to 50 followers! I hope you all find my articles useful.
Let’s take a quick look back at what I’ve covered in my journey to 50 followers.
I started my introduction 20 days ago. I was skeptical, however, @andre-verbrick talked me into joining Steem. His enthusiasm for the Steem platform and crypto backing of it was an easy sell to me.
Once I began to express my thoughts, through the conveyance of the knowledge that I have gained over time. I really began feeling an alternative obligation to you, you who have followed my blog. I say this in a good sense of mind. It gives me more meaning, another purpose if you will. One more electron in the charge, which drives me to my next positive day. So I began posting…
I took you to Mankato, MN. To the Johnson Outdoors Plant to install tool head detection sensors. This was my first real try to make a good looking post. I would like to think that my posts are getting better.
Next I decided to write about a game app I had downloaded onto my phone. The game reminded me of ‘Shadowrun’ a SEGA Genesis game I used to play as a yougin. While trying to post the article through my phone app for Steem, I ended up posting it 3 times!!! You all were cool with that, I thank you. Sorry for the curve ball learning.
I then posted an article that when I look back isn’t all that great, however minutely helpful on the subject of introduction posts.
I gave you all a brief look at machine control. Which really didn’t get many views? No biggie.
My following post was thanking Steem for the welcome and first ‘Payout’ per say. This really motivated me.
I kind of slipped a couple off the wall posts in there following my thank you to Steem. One on the airshow in town. Another on HAARP.
I then started to get into more of my specialty. Programming. It looks like a lot of you were interested in those posts and yes there will be many more to follow. As a matter of fact, I am going to be writing a post on programmatic scaling later this evening, into tomorrow morning.
Well readers, once again thank you for following me and showing an interest in what I have to offer. I have a road trip to FRS coming up soon. Be sure to look for the posts. I am adding code to a Ram 70, to allow it to make 8 successive forming hits. Until my next post[s]. $Out
Welcome to family :)
Welcome to steemit
Welcome :) Followed. Follow me back 😘
Wellcome to steemit