
Thank you for your message and your warm welcome! I know right? I felt the same way back then. You're right, it really puts things in perspective. It's so nice to meet you here. Aloha!

I don't think I'll ever risk joining it again. It's such a huge emotional investment. I do admire people who still persevere though. I guess "envy" is a more apt term for what I feel.

I feel you. Just keep writing and get your message out there. Since I started self-publishing, I never looked back. I used to think that having that kind of distinction (Palanca award) will be the turning point of my career. The turning point of my career, make that life - was when I just kept going with or without an award. You can do it! :)

I've also self-published a novel as well, though there wasn't a huge response. I'm glad that you've seen success in the path you took! I'm still flailing around trying to find my footing haha