Hello Again,
A lot has happened withing this year. I really wanted to continue posting and sharing here in this platform but indeed I was very very busy with my job as we started working at home and when finishing doing it I just wanted to lay down and scape myself from reality doing other stuff like watching movies, laying on my bed and also drawing.
I have spent my last year drawing and practicing my illustration style. I desire to be a full time Illustrator and search for a job opportunity in this area.
Since I left my job on January I have been drawing more and more and I really enjoy doing it
So it is decided I will be arising again from the distance and getting in touch again with socialmedia and sharing my work
I wont dissapear I promise haha.
I will be sharing my illustrattion work with you all . Hope you like it :D
This is a "Drawinyourstylechallenge" I did on Instagram
This challenge consists in as it says, drawing in your style an illustration shared by another artist and I really enjoyed drawing it
This illustration was made in a traditional way - made with colors, pencils and markers but I also enjoy doing them on digital softwares.
I will share tomorrow another one. Keep in touch