Hello, World!

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

According to urbandictionary.com:

The easiest, and first program any newbie would write. Applies for any language. Also what you would see in the first chapter of most programming books.

That's what a "hello world" program is. A simple "hello, world!" is the first program many of us write when learning a new programming language and therefore I think it is the best title I could have chosen for my first steemit post (@introduceyourself); Anyways...

Nice to meet you

My name is Manuel Escudero and I'm a Fullstack Javascript Developer from México. Currently I'm working on a new CMS/Site/API for a startup called Cultura Colectiva which main focus of business is a blog. Before them, I was working for Grupo Modelo, AB/InBev as a Front-End Developer Specialist in a project called Beerhouse (So if you see me posting photos/reviews of beers is because of that, I'm fond to the craft beer culture). I attended music school for something like 2-3 years, so I like playing guitar when I'm bored or plain out stressed; Music is my escape from being a programmer. Other things I like besides music, beer and programming are coffee and airplanes so you might see me posting things about those topics too.

Crypto enthusiast

I'm an avid crypto currency supporter and invest a little every payday under a DCA strategy. Also, I like writing trading bots and designing trading algorithms for fun & profit. One of my main goals before this year's end is to write some useful Dapp just for the sake of mastering Ethereum & Solidity. I've read the Steem whitepaper and I have to confess I'm kinda obsessed about how this "economy of reputation" works, so part of me writting in steemit.com comes from my own curiosity about the core of the platform, Steem.

Closing thoughts

Keeping things simple, I think this is a good starting point for us to meet... I could elaborate on many topics about myself but for now we'll follow the KISS principle. There has been a lot of time since I wrote a blog post, but I think now is a good moment to start doing it again, you see: I recently moved, have one or two interesting side projects under my sleeve and also I'm developing a lot of cool tech in javascript... Who knows? Maybe a tutorial or something that I write ends up being useful for you and the community.

P.S. Also, I understand the steemit community seems to like travel posts, I'm not a frequent traveler myself but with this new digital journal open I now have one more incentive to go out AFK and tell the story.

See you around!


20 GOTO 10

I remember this greetings way back when I started with wordpress.

There are lots of coders around, look forward to your posts! You may want to "verify" if you post something here that can be found elsewhere on the internet.

Hello! Welcome to Steemit.

In order to prevent identity theft we like to encourage users that have an online identity, post for a website or blog, and celebrities of all notoriety to verify themselves. Verified users tend to receive a better reception from the community.

Verification can be as simple as posting to your website or blog. If you use twitter or facebook, you can also create a tweet or post there. For our easily recognizable Steemians, a photo with you holding a piece of paper with the time & date will suffice.

Thank You! ☙