Hello everyone, I'm James Noah Santos and I live in Philippines. I am shy-type person. Despite my shy persona, I still have a lot of friends, true friends to be exact and also I am still having fun and being happy in what I do.
I'll introduce myself with facts and I'm just gonna tell you 2 facts about me.
Fact 1 about me is I am a footballer
I have been playing football for a couple of years now. I started to play football after my first year in highschool. People keep teasing me for being thin and weak cause they think football is for bulky people so I trained hard and harder than everyone until I became a varsity player at our school in the 2nd year in my highschool then people started to recognize me in football for being a great defender and sometimes they call me as A Great Wall of Noah so I've been playing in different clubs though my hometown club was my priority even though I am not a varsity player anymore I still play Football cause Football made me realize that I have to work hard to achieve something.
Fact 2 I am a mommas boy
I really love my mom and I respect her for being there for us(my siblings). I also want to make my mom proud cause I can see how happy she is everytime I make her proud. I also love to surprise mom with little good deeds every once in a while. and every time I have issues I talk to mom before making a decision no matter how small or big it is and sometimes I whine to my mom ( a child-tatrum like LOL). Sometimes I still think my Mother is a Super Mom. I put my mom first than others and whenever we argue It makes me sad so I hurry and apologize because life's too short and the thought of being mad at my mom for an extended period of time is just unbearable. And if my mom reads this I'd like to say that I really love you for being there as always, for taking care of us and for everything else.
Thanks, and I look forward to posting more and hearing what others have to say.
if you want to learn more about me just follow me with the link below.
Twitter: @jnoahsantos
PS. The idea of getting Steem for my efforts is good too.
Hello! my name is also Noah :)
hello nice to meet you