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RE: Oh Hello Steemit Tribe!

Hello Beautiful Anti-Pharma Free Spirit Medicine Bird in Motion Curly Blond Girl of Laughter and whole lot of Light and Fire and Ice, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and I love your photos, like you are gone with the wind and I love natural remedies and I am against the Bill Gates Vaccines and the Big Pharma medicine drugs and I love Bitcoin and Steem and Gab and capitalism and choices.

I'm a lover laughter dancer fool in love with people, travel, history, culture, am from Oregon, was in Hawaii, Vietnam, Quebec, California, New York, but have not been to Colorado yet haha but maybe someday. Welcome and keep laughing and keep sharing fun lovely photos like these. People love you and people will always cherish what you share and your reputation on Steem.IO, on, on, on this blockchain social network world, will probably be 60 before 2019 or maybe much sooner than that. Take care and eat oatmeal, haha.