Yeah, I liked your perspective in a lot of those discussions as well. I like having my opinions challenged and changed. Sorry for being confusing, it was not my intention. Also I'll probably always be recalcitrant that way. If you give me two options I'll always go with options number 3, or 4, or etc... I haven't been tested on it, but I'm pretty sure I suffer from a nasty allergic reaction to limited options, it might even be a hereditary genetic defect.
However, I honestly don't think this is a yes or no answer. I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but since you made it a topic for discussions I'll state it anyway. Privacy is important, more important then it ever was. It has become so rare that it's now all but non existent, and people fear the unknown. No matter how much money people decide to throw at you (which I think you should be perfectly fine accepting) it should not disrupt your decisions in regards to your privacy. I'm also not of the opinion that getting fame, followers, money, whatever should preclude you from having some privacy.
If you are comfortable with sharing some more personal tidbits and maybe just a little insight in your background and motivations, then it might be another way to make it easier for people to connect with you or spark conversation topics.