Every teacher must feel great since he and the parents are called to form the personality of the child, every teacher must devote his life to the formation of a great man, sow in the mind and soul the principles, ideas, noble aspirations with those who are going to direct their lives. The teacher is great and responsible therefore the responsibility that teachers have on their shoulders and consciousness is immense, the teacher must reflect exemplary behavior.
The purpose of the teacher is to teach, educate and train, this is so that children are able to distinguish between good and bad, they must cultivate the minds and hearts of children. The teacher participates in the same characteristics of a parent, the teacher has a direct contact with the child when they laugh play and learn, the teacher will always feel young because he is participating in a certain way of the dreams and illusions that a child has. This profession is satisfactory because it lives with them their steps as they grow and are formed. The true teacher receives the internal gratification of his conscience for the fulfilled duty that is to mold and train the men of the future.
The teacher sacrifices part of his personal life because when he arrives in the classroom he has to forget all his problems and smile at his children, he has the need not to feel his discomforts. It also happens that the master no longer teaches with the same dedication and effort as he did before. The teacher has many characteristics but there are three that stand out as are the mentality, external behavior and example, it would be wonderful that every teacher tried to become a paradigm that invites their students to imitation.
The teacher like any professional has flaws or deficiencies but he must start by looking for them and try to correct them. The teacher must prepare for each class not to improvise or leave aside the possible doubts that the students may have, since there is a risk that their image intellectual diminish and neither leave aside the moral conduct and be always blameless and thus be able to transmit to the children values and a good formation. Without forgetting that the teacher can not be authoritarian we know that because of his preparation he feels superior but we must not forget the rights that the students have and among these are the good treatment of his teacher towards them. The teacher should use a maximum of caution, prudence and goodwill wrapped in affection and treat with special affection the weakest student and never humiliate him.
We know that with this profession we chose we will not earn the money we need but we know that it is a brave profession since not all people have the gift of teaching. That is why I must leave laziness aside and take interest in the activities that are organized to be enthusiastic to work but doing it with the greatest interest that is to teach and learn from the students and every day improve the techniques that are applied.
To be able to work and educate we must know the characteristics of each child, we must not forget that they are individuals that have different characteristics each, the teacher knows that the child can get to do the unpredictable in the future since he has unlimited tools and what should be in The future in this plays a very important role for the parents and the teacher, that is why the child should be surrounded by a clean social environment full of religious, healthy and academic activities. The child has a great intelligence that we must work every day with exercise and improvement and can be perfected, to develop that intelligence we must let the child think.
Affectivity, in general, involves the life of every person. That is why the teacher can obtain a lot from their children through affectionate treatment and as a consequence the teacher must apply it so that the child acquires noble and delicate feelings. The child has a moral sense from its early years by a certain natural intuition influenced by learning the social environment, knows what is good and what is wrong. The student guided by his teacher has to learn to form and use his will, first in things that he likes and easy to follow later in the fulfillment of duty, even if it is difficult. The child is a free being, although his freedom is incipient and not very rationally developed. The world of the child and even of a young person has his own interests that are more objective and particular, closer, more of the moment in which he lives, the same can be said of his ideals. While the world of the teacher is or should be, that of a cultured person, trained, adapted from a professional prepared to efficiently fulfill the task of educating children
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Teachers will be always an important key in everyone's life education.
That is correct!, thank you for comment.
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