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RE: Post about myself

I did try mining for a while just out of curiosity, but it really isn't worth it with only my laptop and my rubbish broadband. One really needs quite a few laptops set up for mining 24/7 to make anything decent.
I live in an isolated area in Ireland, and my WiFi is affected by weather etc...they are rolling out cables for better broadband here in the rural areas, but it won't be fully set up for a while.
I am hoping to move to a place with better land and coverage within the next year or two when hopefully my crypto will pay for it. 😀 I too learned about bitcoin way back when it all started, but stupidly didn't buy in when it was still around $30...... I thought I would wait and see what this virtual money was about. After I bought this place which needed a lot of work I forgot about it for a while. And now......well too late for that, but I do have a few investments, and when I saw the Viva Whitepaper I was impressed. It too is only still at the beta stage, but I do believe that it will grow exponentially.
I won't pretend that I fully understand everything about crypto, and there are many currencies that fail, or are even ponzi schemes. Up to now I have been lucky with my choices and am slowly building up a portfolio. Blockchain and crypto are the future. The Fiat bubble will burst.


I totally know the feeling. I got good internet at least here but also owning a home takes all the extra money one has. I think that some of us will find the right one to invest in and still can make a little extra here and there. I am sure I know how that must be, when we go to our family cottage in Wales its freaking stupid how isolated I felt. Amazing views but had to go to the pub for the toilet.

I'm gonna try to setup a few PCs to mine, ETH is hard because you really need a decent PC. Mining xmr at home and w/ a hash rate of 210h/s that will make $350 a year. But if I can install it on 200 computers then that might make some money. HAHA. If I can get geth to sync on my PC I'm good. I also don't know much but thats why these kinds of communities are so neat to me. You are off in Ireland and I'm here in Hilo and we are talking about things that actually benefit us. I will never know how full of shit I am if I don't learn from others. Its nuts to me that all the servers could be decentralized some day. Have a great day. Aloha!