Allow me to introduce myself: My thoughts on Steemit and the power of blockchains.

in #introduceyourself9 years ago

Hi I'm Keir and I'm new to steemit. What a wounderful thing these blockchains and their power to redistribute wealth democratically. Steemit is sweet because it's a meritocracy, that is a system that rewards quality of work. How many jobs have we had that were gummed up and made shitty because of office politics?! Susan in accounting talking shit about everyone to make herself feel better, fuck off. Imagine if every job you've ever done was rewarded simply based of the quality of your work? We'd have a much better world I'll tell you that. But seriously let's think about it, with the power to redistribute wealth and reward based on quality of contribution, what old broken systems could we reinvent? Disrupt? Make obsolete? It's a quality question and one that answering can literally change the world.

Crypto's are a bubble, they just are, and that's a good thing. The Internet was a bubble and it's done a pretty good job of not only surviving but changing every facet of our lives. Crypto's are the same. So let's leverage the power of these assets and remedy all the misgivings of the past, all the externalities that have hurt people and planet, the unfair divide that's kept working people in a wage box while the 1% wealth exponentially grows.

Have a plan to help the planet? Well now we've got more than just the same old tired capital channels. Instead of hoping a bank wants your real assets enough to loan you fractional reserve created money or asking a rich family member to bankroll your idea, we now have the Internet. From crowdfunding, to issuing your own crypto's to smart contracts, we can set up organizations that have the funding nessisary to operate all free of that old oppressive system. Look at Steemit for example! What a great financing model. They've issued their own crypto and used the interest and trust gained in it to bankroll the entire enterprise, and not only for themselves but others too. That old adage rings true "by creating as much value as possible and just giving it away free, I will be successful". What old system is broken and currently doing more harm than good? Let's fix it and in the process make enough money that we as millennials can actually afford a house.

Anyway that's all me, this is how I think and if you agree than let's honestly do something about it. Let's change the world for the better and live wonderful lives of adventure and abundance because of it. I'll be using this platform as a global notepad of disruptive ideas. I'll put up or shut up. I'll break something apart and try and put it together again, but this time with you. Comment, upvote and share if you feel it or have a contribution. Let's have a conversation that bares fruit. And if I'm totally out to lunch, let me know, some of my best ideas have come from being told why I'm an idiot. So don't hold back, just don't be a troll.

This is me and if you see me in real life, either high five me or punch me in the face depending on how you feel. Cheers, thanks for paying any attention to this fuckin rant.


Dude that photoshop in the second picture is god damn legendary lol. Welcome to Steemit I hope you enjoy your time here!

Haha thanks man