Hahah... She really needs to get in and start doing her part on here.
You've also been a busy bee with @wil.metcalfe. hehe. Thanks to you all for running the Comet.ranker HQ
Hahah... She really needs to get in and start doing her part on here.
You've also been a busy bee with @wil.metcalfe. hehe. Thanks to you all for running the Comet.ranker HQ
Thanks for the nice words,it means a lot to me coming from you.
It was such a privilege to be able to help out with @comet.ranker duties with @wil.metcalfe.
Stay frosty Chief
The pleasure was/is all mine! Working closely with you during the last leg of Operation #Ping was a real highlight for me Pappy! 🙏
Just settingUP the last little bits to get THE BRAND SHINY NEW DISCORD!
That's right...
@Comet.Ranker now has an official server to coordinate from!
I'll be inviting you and the rest of the Commanders soon!
Comet Ranker@wil.metcalfe