Hello everyone, my name is Kevin. I am 22 years old and I am from Venezuela. Currently student of Computer Engineering at UNET, collaborator with Mozilla Firefox and open source promoter. Passionate about the whole technological area, with the utility of it in society and things and automation in general.
One of my biggest routine activities is to be on the computer but that does not mean that antisocial sea hahaha), either for academic reasons, work or research to learn new things, since technology does not sleep and you have to be updated with what new. I also like to take photographs, the adventures and to know or contemplate the majestic landscape (especially the Venezuela landscapes, to feel the good vibration of nature). Here is a photograph:
Páramo Las Coloradas, Táchira, Venezuela. Above the clouds. I am the first from left to right: D
Internet of Things (Iot)
Many of them have already heard about the IoT, that good things, but that they have a degree of intelligence, I have very little knowledge of it until this year, based on a work done on this technology since I had to read a lot on the subject, and every time I dispelled my interest. I discovered that it is an unstoppable technological trend. Now it is one of the technologies that I like the most because of the connectivity of things, always thought that this was not very distant future.
How did I meet Steemit?
I learned about Steemit through technology conversations with my friend @angelgarz, a fellow at the University, a guy who is always ahead with these technologies and passionate about innovative things.
Thanks angel! for letting me know of Steemit and sharing your knowledge with me.
Some of my interests and tastes
As mentioned above, the technology of any field, on this subject is making some publications.
I am a big movie fan, compulsively downloading many movies in order to enjoy the full range of cinema and each director's point of view. I do not have any specific favorite genre that I like to watch the whole class of movies but I am a lover of the Star Wars saga.
I also really enjoy the series until I have my top 3 series hahaha. They are my taste and with some very interesting narratives that I have loved, for the moment these 3 series are my favorite Game of Thrones, Mr. Robot and Westworld (yes, of the 3 series or all the times that I have, are of your taste then you are mine: D)
Attracted by the IoT, it is clear that this is a very attractive market, so much so that developers are working on IoT devices, either in their day to day or in their free time. The future belongs to the health care industries, smart cities and automotive.
I like reading, I'm currently with the books of John Katzenbach, many literary genres I like the old ones (Shakespeare in particular) like the current ones.
A crazy adventurer (I almost never say no to the planes that my friends invite me). I am a lover of nature, adventures and camping (disconnected from the city for a few days is the best). Later on, I may share some publications of these experiences. Here I leave some photos:
Laguna Rio Bobo, Táchira, Venezuela. Very hidden place but very beautiful.
Photography by: @paolapernia One of my hobbies in the speedcube (Although now I have left behind, but you still have not forgotten something like riding a bicycle), It is the ruby cube as fast as possible! I got an average of 25 seconds, and my official personal record is 18,680 seconds in an internationally supported national tournament.
School of Medicine - ULA Mérida, Venezuela. Los Andes National Tournament.
Well, here are some of my main interests and tastes. You already know a little more about me: D.
In my perspective Steemit is a very interesting platform, since the user has the freedom to express and contribute with good content for its readers, in order to make a profit. This is a strong community of great knowledge, being bigger every day.
Now I am a Steemian.
I leave this phrase that I liked very much:
"Ask yourself if what you are doing today you approach the place you want to be tomorrow"
Walt Disney
Welcome to Steemit community with nature lover persons.
Thank you very much @blackybabies . Nature is life!!
Greetings, kevincortes13! I wish you a very rewarding expereince here in this culturally diversified yet mostly unified community :) Be Happy
By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.
@greetersguild invite link https://discord.gg/AkzNSKx @newbieresteemday invite link https://discord.gg/2ZcAxsU
Thank you @cheneats. I agree with the diversified but unified community. Regards!! Following.
Welcome to Steemit. It's really a good platform for the nurturing authors and for the people who want to share their good work with the world. You'll surely have a nice time here. Lots of good wishes and good luck to you!! :):)
Hello, thank you very much @freebirdkhushboo for the welcome. If this is an excellent platform as much as to share or enjoy good content.
Thank you @joeyarnoldvn