Hellooo everyone!

My name is Korana. I feel excited to start being part of this community and I feel it's about time to introduce myself and try to connect with all of you who possess similar interests or attitude as me. I decided to join this community to share my work and passion in design and digital art for the first time using this blockchain powered platform.

I'm freelance graphic designer and illustrator from Croatia.

I have 13 years of experience working across both print and digital media. I am intensely involved in digital painting and complex photo-manipulation. Working in publishing, design, advertising and new media, I illustrate anything from book covers to advertising campaigns… I love digital painting and in my work I strive to break from the shackles of convention and to connect what is impossible to connect in reality :)

If you have similar interests as me, feel free to contact me directly or follow me to see posts and tutorials I will be creating… Get in touch - I'd love to hear from you.








Bok @korana-art pridruži nam se na novo podignutim Discord serverima za Hrvatske i Balkanske Steemit korisnike detaljnije o ideji možeš pročitati u linkovima ispod, tamo se mozeš educirati s ostalim Steemit korisnicima s našeg podneblja i pitati što god te zanima.

O Hrvatskom Serveru:

O Balkanskom Serveru:

  • kada dođeš tamo neka ti je isto ime @korana-art kao i ovdje radi lakšeg raspoznavanja
  • Ostavi link svog Steemit profila u kanal #hrv-steemit-accounti i #balkan-steemit-accounti
  • Javi se u kanal svoje županije/države (npr. grad-zagreb, hrvatska, šibensko-kninska, srbija itd...) s pozdravom da se zna gdje živiš (u svrhu županijskih/državnih okupljanja i rasprava)

(ispričavam se ukoliko si već tamo, ako jesi napiši u komentar da izbrišem ovu obavijest)

Bok @ivan.atman Hvala ti puno na info!!

Hello and welcome with this amazing work Korana, love to see such a talented people arriving on the platform! Let us know when you arrive at Discord Croatian channels (@ivan.atman invited you already) so we can lift up together our art and steemit community! ;)

Hi @megy.fine.arts :) Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I'm exited to explore this platform and to meet new creative people :) I arrived at Discord Croatian channels, exploring this new things... So keep in touch :)

Hi Korana,

Good to see another digital artist joining Steemit. I'm new here too. Here is a tip I'll share with you, something I just learned:

You are rewarded for voting, or curating, as well as posting content. The optimal number of up-votes you should give out each day is 20. That's because one twentieth of your voting power is used up with each vote, and your 100% voting power is fully replenished each day. So not up-voting is just a waste. I make it my habit to up-vote for every person that replies to my posts because it rewards them for rewarding me. Then I seek out the best work I can find and vote for them, too.

Welcome to Steemit.

Hey @sphericalart
Thank you very much for the info, nice too meet another artist too!! Your work is awesome.
Well, I'm still learning how this works and having fun here :)
Keep in touch!!

welcome to steemit, good luck and keep working as much as you can, and do not forget to support other friends.

Thanks @francoojy for the warm welcome!!


welcome to steemit have a good time

A warm welcome from Thailand! Wishing you all the best as you begin your journey on Steemit!!

Thanks so much @starthere Salutes from Croatia

Welcome to Steemit @korana-art!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Thank you @introbot for the warm welcome!!

Dobrodosla, vecina nas je ovdje u BSA pa ili tu ili tamo pitaj kaj god te zanima, uvijek se nade netko da pomogne :)

Hvala ti @positivity420 :) Keep in touch!!

Na discordu sam vecinom, pa se cujemo :)

Poz! Baš mi je drago da je neko iz Ri!

Pozdrav i tebi @aschatria !! :)

Pozz Korana, dobro došla! Uvijek dobro vidit kolegu artista na Steemitu :D
Mi smo ti tamo na discord serverima pa se slobodno pridruzi i pitaj ako triba ikakva pomoc jer smo svi to vec prosli, i dan danas imamo pitanja haha :D

Sritno, Luka.

Hey @whack.science Drago mi je i hvala ti na dobrodošlici :) Pridružila sam se discord serverima pa budemo u kontaktu, naravno, imat ću u hodu milion pitanja :D
Lipi pozdrav :)

haha ma kad se sitin sebe kad san dosa ima san toliko glupih pitanja da me bilo sram pitat, al na kraju tribas pitat inače ćeš čitat sve po 5 puta xD il meeni ne ide razmisljanje haha

hvala ti Luka haha takvih imam i ja -> budem na discordu gnjavila čim ulovim malo vremena :) keep in touch