//'a naked bod is contra to what is socially accepted' by whom and on what grounds? //
well, by society, this why afterall you didn't go full monty. stereotypes always exist. e.g 300 years ago being fat was considered beautiful because everyone was starving.
Obviously the landwhale i posted doesn't love or respect her body, or even the people around her. if you treat yourself like that, if you abuse your own body then you are incabable of treating others well.
anws. using something society doesn't accept as a form of activism (aka change peoples mind about something) is still attention whoring.
you can use good-ol' arguments and still make a point.
i understand that you mean by society, but don't you think that this 'society' is a little too diverse to be considered as a homogeneous whole? what i mean is obviously the rules and stereotypes that exist in every different community or every different society can reveal a lot of things and usually reflect internalised status-quo and power dynamics. in this sense, deconstructing all different kinds of stereotypes (by whatever means you find useful) would mean to deconstruct those power dynamics and restore some elements of justice.