Hi everyone , I am Lavinia let’s be friends !
Hi , my name is Lavinia , I am 14 years old . I’m from Romania , born in Arad .
At the moment , I am a student , and I have three important exams this year so wish me luck ..
I'm confident in who I am, and I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just being myself: being comfortable with my body, comfortable with my sound, and I'm figuring out who I am. I am a very open , social , friendly person . I love to meet new people and make new friends !
I would describe myself as a kind , stubborn , funny , honest , ambitious person . You should stay tuned for more photos !
Do not hesitate to follow me !
Hello sweetheart! 😍 Welcome! 😃 dear, now follow @steemromania si restul educatiei ti’o mai dau offline 😊 ma bucur ca ai inceput activitatea! Good luck✨
Bine ai venit!
Citeste si ce vrem sa facem din Steem Romania dar nu ezita sa scrii si in engleza, mai ales daca stapanesti limba cat de cat.
Matematic vorbind, cel mai repede crestem toti impreuna, deci daca iti pastrezi energia si te tii de treaba o sa beneficiezi de un progres net superior oricarei alte platforme, in materie de promovare.
Spor si astept sa vad urmatoarele postari! Despre ce ti-ar face placere sa scrii? Nu uita sa citesti tutorialele de pe @steemromania, te pot salva de multe greutati.
Multumesc frumos ! Nu am un obiectiv fixat , de exemplu nu o sa scriu doar despre lifestyle , o sa fie variat . Iti multumesc pentru recomandare chiar am nevoie de indrumare fiind noua !
Welcome on steemit, draga Lavinia! Ma bucur sa mai intalnesc people din Arad on the platform :)
Multumesc ! Si eu , de asemenea !
Lavinia welcome to Steemit. For 14 years old you do seem confident. I do not know many your age that are. Looking forward to more posts.
Thank you !
Welcome to steemit from @lopezdacruz. All the best in your steemit journey.
Thank you !! Wish all the best for you
Welcome to the community.
Follow @crysttal for more future upvotes.
Thanks ! I will !
Hey there Sunshine Princess Girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are beautiful and you have a very big smile, a very happy contagious smile, and beautiful eyes, and awesome fashion, style, and love for life, and love your photos.
hi there ! Thank you so much for all your nice words !
have a lovely day
wish you best of luck dear.. and you are welcome here ...
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