I'd love to get into consulting someday. Some Frederick Winslow Taylor type shit or some Stafford Beer central planning, but ideally via non state entities.
B corps seem pretty cool. Not sure if available in Ohio. But I think steem can provide some interesting means to transform collective action problems.
Oh man did scientific management creep me out!! Why do you like that direction?
There's so much I'd like to do for groups that have little resources..... Sigh. This steemit account might someday enable that?
I like consulting because I am always working on something completely different. I love that type of challenge, its fast paced (really too damn fast this month, holy crap....), and to me, it feels rich. That's completely different than the way academia feels to me. So glad I jumped ship!
Getting hired by a consulting firm is really freaking intense though. Those places work those folks into the ground. I recommend finding an alternate pathway into this sort of the work, unless you want to work 90 hours a week and fly all over the country all the time. The travel sounds exotic, but trust me (if you don't know yourself), travel is only fun if it is voluntary. I make the most of all of my work travel, but still....
c'est la vie. Yea i like efficiency and getting the best quality good at the lowest cost. Though it may be dehumanizing, hopefully automation can help liberate people from pointless jobs a machine can do.
I am all for automization with a basic universal income. People don't deserve to starve once they are put out of their pointless work.