After a year of hearing everyday about Steemit, I decided to become an active Steemian, and introduce myself :) | [PL] Po roku codziennego słuchania o Steemit, postanowiłam w końcu zacząć być tutaj aktywna i rozpocząć od przedstawienia się :)

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hi, my name is Magdalena.

Cześć, mam na imię Magdalena.

Who am I?

Kim jestem?

Po pierwsze matką. Od ponad roku jestem mamą Joanny i chociaż muszę przyznać, że macierzyństwo zmieniło mój sposób patrzenia na świat, to na co dzień staram się pokazać (przede wszystkim sobie), że mając dziecko można nadal realizować swoje pasje i rozwijać się zawodowo.

First of all, I am a mother. For over a year I am Joanna's mother and although I have to admit that motherhood has changed my way of looking at the world, I try to prove everyday (mostly to myself) that with a child I can develop professionally and still have time for my passions.

Po drugie żoną. Od 6 lat jestem żoną @noisy i to pozostawię bez komentarza ;)

Secondly, I am a wife. I've been married to @noisy for over 6 years. I will no comment that ;) :)

Thirdly, I am a software developer. I am a graduate of the Physics of the Wroclaw University of Technology, I also studied Management, and after that I thought that work in insurance industry is a great idea - no, it is not ;)

It took @noisy 6 years to convince me that IT needs me. When I was convinced that changing a profession is a good idea, I spent next 6 months on training under his watchful eye. I needed 3 more months to convince myself, that I was ready. Two weeks later I finished preparing my CV ... and for two years I can proudly be called Web Developer, and my work has become my passion.

Po trzecie programistką. Jestem absolwentką Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, studiowałam także Zarządzanie po czym ubzdurałam sobie, że praca w finansach min. ubezpieczeniach to super pomysł ;)

6 lat zajęło @noisy'emu przekonanie mnie, że IT mnie potrzebuje, potem pół roku szkolenia pod jego bacznym okiem, trzy miesiące na podjęcie decyzji, że chyba jestem gotowa, dwa tygodnie na napisanie CV... i od dwóch lat mogę dumnie nazywać się Web Developerem, a moja praca stała się moją pasją.

Co mogę jeszcze dodać o sobie?

Jestem maniakiem lego, teraz także i duplo. Lubię zwiedzać nowe miejsca i poznawać ludzi.

What else can I say about myself?

I love Lego (now also Duplo). I like to visit new places and meet people.
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MarkWelcome @lenka! Nice to meet you. UpVoted and followed. Good luck fellow steemian. :P Cheers.

Welcome to Steemit @lenka - glad to have you with us! @noisy does great things for the community and we are thankful for you both.

Welcome to Steemit Lenka! Looking forward to your posts! 😀

Hi Magda, welcome to steemit. I'm sure you'll have a great time here. i m also a Lego fans welcome again and have fun
Have a nice day

Dzięki @noisy za kolejnego użytkownika :)

...I have to admit that motherhood has changed my way of looking at the world 👌wonderful´s the same by me. My children changed everything. Hope to hear more from you. i will follow you. Best wishes from Germany

Witamy także Joannę, choć na zdjęciu widać, że ma jakieś ważniejsze sprawy ;)

No a jakże! Dżdżownica szła! :)

No i to jest sensacja ;)

Upvote & follow, czekam na przyszłe wpisy.

Now it's clear to me how the secret plan devised in Steemit headquarters works. How to double the number of users? It's simple: recruit your spouse into the scheme.

@lenka , żona @noisy! follow w ciemno! :D

Hi Magda, welcome to steemit. I'm sure you'll have a great time here. my advice is blog about what you know (and in your case your IT knowledge will probably be very well received).btw, love the lego !

Welcome to the platform, @lenka! You probably already know how it works :) Have a nice and joyful ride wit h all of us. :)

Nice to read about you!
Great idea to cover two languages using columns.
I'll follow you for a while :)

Witaj Magdo. Urocza rodzinka. Witamy!

Witam kolejną Polkę na Steemicie! Życzę powodzenia!

Witam i życze dalszych sukcesów!

Hello and welcome here at steemit @lenka !! 😎 Best regards from Cologne Germany my name is Lars @laloelectrix

Cześć. Skąd ja to znam :). Też wciąż próbuję udowodnić, przede wszystkim sobie, że macierzyństwo nic nie zmienia, że nadal mogę robić wszystko :) . Pozdrawiam, Ania

Cześć Lenko, welcome to Steem! :-)

Co będziesz wrzucać na Steemit?

wiem czego nie będę wrzucać - postów na temat e-czytników ;)

Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @lenka!

  • Upvotes - Ranked 8 with 116 upvotes

welcome to our big familly

Steemi sie robi prawdziwie rodzinny:) Witaj Magda:)

Very nice post :) Welcome to Steemit :)
Keep shining !
Bright blessings.

Bardzo miły post :) Witamy w Steemit :)
Świeć dalej !
Jasne błogosławieństwa.

If you need any help, feel free to ask questions as well.
Have a lovely day!Welcome aboard @lenka Brace yourself for the best social network you have ever experienced. Steemit is the place to be if you ever use the internet on any device. Check out my blog I hope you'd find something you like and feel free to follow me @simeonburke I will follow you in response.

Welcome! Glad you are here!

Honestly >>> Very good

Great to have you here!

Here's a custom animated banner for you. Feel free to use it for future posts if you like. Have a great day! :)

Welcome to this incredible platform,

Hope you enjoy this place as much as I do. It's not difficult to get started. A little effort will truly go a long way, engagement is key.
A great way to start is by Following ,Upvoting & Resteeming people and they will do the same for you. Good luck !

You can follow my blog @wannerbet - I'm doing a 100K trading challenge starting very soon ! You can check it out here:

I'm also doing a ''Trading For Beginners'' series which you can check out here :

Welcome to steemit. Expected you'd like the steemit community, I'm new here too, and I'm really enjoying it.

Welcome to the community! :) I think a person that dealt with Physics should feel right at home developing software. Is that the case for you?

A big warm Steemit welcome goes out to you Lenka!

Upvoted and High Pawed! :-D


witaj cieplutko. :-)

Awesome post! Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome @lenka! I'm sure you'll fit right in here. Beautiful photos of you and your family :)

Polish people and Lego are AWESOME!!!!

Welcome, you will definitely enjoy it.

Cześć! :) Oczywiście follow i upvote. Twój mąż bardzo mi pomógł na początku i w sumie wciąż pomaga! Fajnie, że dołączyłaś do społeczności. Powodzenia! ;)

Welcome to Steemit. If you want the update on the newest crypto plus talk about the latest hip hop and using both music and cryptocurrency to unplug from the system....Follow me and Check out my Podcasts.

Welcome to Steemit! LEGO!!

"It took @noisy 6 years to convince me that IT needs me. When I was convinced that changing a profession is a good idea". That makes me laugh. :)) But he is right! There are so many reasons to learn programming. Also wrote about these reasons:

it is nice to see people from my erasmus country, I have great memories in Poland. I can't forget zubrowka, bigos, soplica, pijalnia, zapiekanka :))

Welcome to Steem! .... Enjoyed reading your Post..... Wanna be Friends? … U follow me, @doctormegazilla & I'll Follow U?

Dzien dobry , fajne klocki ! Milego Steemowania.

Cześć, pozdrawiam z Grecji :)

Hii @lenka, Nice to Meet U by #aceh Steemit Community


Lovely pics

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