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RE: The Bitcoin Family is BALLIN towards Steemit !

Very Interesting story Didi. We all get to a point in our lives where we need to feel more connected to what we do for a living in a meaning full way. Being a business person certainly prepared you for the risk you took in selling everything in exchange for bitcoin. It takes courage to fully buy into the worldview and philosophy created by this new technology. I have seen too many people go all in on various anti-establishment investments (Gold/Silver/ Farm Land) and a ratio of about 5 to 1 get burned and it is refreshing to see that you have been a success. Having myself worked in the banking business for over 10 years at the governmental and offshore levels including working with investments in every asset class gives me an appreciation for temperance when it comes to any ideology that permutates through any specific asset class. I feel the community must ensure to hold the actors in this industry accountable for their use of these distributed ledger technologies, and as a community voice we must ensure to be as objective and truthful as possible in our assessment of this market even if doing so goes against the main accepted community consensus. Look forward to hearing more about your life and adventure and hope all the best for you and your family.


Thanks for your message and we are exited to post more about our adventures.