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RE: Meet a Lintilla

No, I certainly don't see it as an attack. People are always thinking I'm offended, but really I can just be very forceful in the way I state certain things (I don't know if that's the best word, but it's about bedtime for me and a better one isn't springing to mind). As far as that goes... anyone would definitely know if I was offended by something. I'd just go ahead and say so.

I'm also pretty sure I went off on a tangent or two there that weren't at all related to anything you even personally said. Just stuff that tends to come up sometimes. I often just get a rant going... I should probably make a more coherent post out of it, one of these days. But I'm more likely to post about my Cryptokitties in the very near future :P


LOL. No, I'm not defending anything, least of all to myself. I'm not conflicted over here. Zip as far as inner turmoil, as much as people would like to think I can't possibly not be eaten up inside. There's nothing that requires any defending, and I couldn't give a damn if anyone disapproves. So that's not how I'd frame it at all. I'm just telling you that I think you're wrong. It's what the internet's all about :P

There is no loss of intimacy involved. I don't see how that's something that can be "taken". I still have as much to share as I want. Nor do I think "intimacy" is in any way more precious than anything other jobs require, whether it be physical strength, mental skills, whatever. All of which are equally not gone in any way at the end of the day--hell, you'll have improved those skills each day by practicing them (intimacy is definitely a skill). (Personally I think the camming I do is a much more physically demanding job than one requiring intimacy, most days, and I'm the one in the position to know here.)

I don't know what loss of morals you're referring to, either, but it sounds like you have different standards than I do. Fine by me. My job would be less lucrative if it was less taboo, but I have no personal moral issues with it, nor with showering in public (although I'd probably choose not to in most cases). Keeping things private or being intimate with only a few are personal preferences. I don't see anything immoral about sharing more, if someone chooses to. And I'm very private about certain things. My things just may not match those of others.

It's about 9:30am here in Arizona, and yeah, that's bedtime for me today. Nighty night!