You're welcome! And thanks for the kind words, appreciate it buddy. Glad we bumped into each other here.
Indeed, positive people and messages deserve a share. We may not always feel positive. But from what I have learned from positive psychology, and also my yoga teacher trainings, is that we can change how we feel. We are not mere victims of our feelings. Body and mind are connected.
So for example, if you feel really bad: go sit in front of a mirror and start smiling. Like a reeeaalllyy big fake phony smile. For minutes, you will feel like wtf am I doing, this is all bs, I still feel bad, this is fake. some point, it clicks. By smiling for minutes, you tricked your mind into believing something positive is happening. And you start feeling more positive. So you can really fake it until you make it. If you don't believe me, try it!
I personally feel the same way about posting here on Steemit. I don't always feel positive. But I want to be happy. And one way of getting there is not giving into negativity, but instead sharing positivity. That's what I intend to do here on Steemit.
So let's keep spreading the word 😉 .
Absolutely buddy that is all we can do. Spread the word about positivity and share our life experiences so people can figure out how to be positive as well.
And I like how you bright up 'fake it till you make it." I was just thinking how useless this phrase is until you just referenced it in your comment. Now this is an application of "fake it till you make it," I support and see the vision. You are exactly right just keep smiling, keep laughing, and see what happens. You can't stay mad :)
I absolutely agree with you we can control our emotions. It is funny to me that people don't think they can. That is only the first level in the path of enlightenment. Next you have to get past your appetites and desires, which in my experience is much harder than controlling your emotions, with framing thats relatively easy.
Thanks again for your time and all you do buddy, keep doing great things