My name is Luan, I'm 20 years old.
I'm an Infantry Man of Brazilian Air Force Academy, and I've been in a lot of missions practicing war tactics and survival, that's a real tough life, been away from home and all my friends and family it's not easy. But it has a good side too, I am learning a lot, new experiences, trips, and a nice physical form, and knowing a lot of fantastic people too.
My time is short, but I hope I can enter here sometimes to tell you nice stories about my life in the Air Force Academy.
See ya!
Welcome to Steemit! :))
Seja bem-vindo! Tento seguir os falantes do português por aqui, até fiz um post - Lista de brasileiros no Steemit - onde tomei a liberdade de atualizar com suas informações. Qq coisa, é só avisar. Sucesso e boa sorte mais uma vez!
Hello Luan, welcome to Steemit! :-)
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