Hello Steemian,,, Let Me Introduce Myself , I am Muhammad Nur, I love Photography !!!!!!!!!!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago


Nama saya Muhammad Nur ,anak pertama dari 3 bersaudara, umur saya 28 tahun, saya lahir di sebuah desa kecil Kecamatan Peureulak Kabupaten Aceh Timur Provinsi Aceh tepatnya di Desa Alue Dua Paya Gajah dari Keluarga yang sangat sederhana. Nama Ayah Saya Saifuddin Ali, sekarang beliau telah lebih dulu meninggalkan kami, beliau telah meninggal pada tahun 2012.

Semasa hidupnya beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala desa tempat kami tinggal selama 12 tahun. sekarang saya tinggal bersama Ibu,Nama beliau Syarifah Hasan, pekerjaannya hanya seorang buruh tani biasa, yang berpenghasilan tidak seberapa. satu orang adik cewek, dia sedang kuliyah di IAIN Cotkala Langsa, Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah, dan satunya lagi cowok, dia juga sedang kuliyah di UNIMAL Lhokseumawe, jurusan Teknik Mesin.

Saya sendiri pernah menempuh pendidikan di SD Negeri Tanah Rata Peureulak tamat pada tahun 2002, kemudian melanjutkan ke MTsS Nurul Ulum Peureulak setelah lulus pada tahun 2005,saya lanjutkan lagi di SMAS Plus Nurul Ulum Peureulak juga dan lulus pada tahun 2008, sedikit Info mengenai Nurul Ulum, Nurul Ulum adalah salah satu Pondok Pesantren yang sangat di perhitungkan kualitasnya di Peureulak pada saat itu,kemudian pada tahun 2008 saya melanjutkan belajar di sebuah perguruan tinggi negeri yang ada di Lhokseumawe, namanya adalah STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe dengan mengambil jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, dan selesai pada tahun 2013.

Saya sempat jadi pengangguran selama satu tahun setelah tamat kuliyah. Pada tahun 2014 saya baru dapat panggilan kerja di MAN 2 Aceh Timur sebagai Tenaga Administrasi di kantor tersebut dan sampai dengan sekarang. Mengenai Steemit, pertama sekali saya tau tentang Steemit yaitu dari kakak kelas saya di Pesantren dulu, Namanya @iqbaladan beliau sekaligus ketua asrama saya dulu ketida mondok.beliau melihat hobi saya yang suka dengan fotografi, jadi disarankan untuk buat akun Steemit agar hobi saya ini dapat dilasurkan dengan bermanfaat dan tidak sia sia. Tidak pikir panjang lagi, saya langsung mengiakan saran beliau.

Setelah menunggu 5 hari... akun saya pun di terima. Untuk kelancaran aktivitas saya kedepan, saya mohon bantuan dari kawan kawan yang lebih dulu berkecimpung di dunia Steemit ini agar akun saya ini bisa bermanfaat bagi orang banyak. Sekian dulu dari saya,, salam kenal dari saya....

Muhammad Nur Bin Saifuddin Ali (BSA)

Haiiiiii Steemian,
let me introduce myself, my name is Muhammad Nur, i’m the first child of 3 siblings, now, I am 28 years old, I was born in a small village Alue Dua Paya Gajah, Peureulak, East Aceh, The Province of Aceh. My Father's Name is Saifuddin Ali , now he has left us forever, he was died in 2012.

During his lifetime he has served as the Head of the village where we lived for 12 years. now I live with Mother and two young brothers, my mother name is Syarifah Hasan, his job is just an ordinary laborer. One younger sister, Now she is studying at IAIN Cotkala Langsa, Department of Sharia Economics, and the other guy, He is also studying in UNIMAL Lhokseumawe, majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

And I attended at Elementary School of Tanah Rata Peureulak and i graduated in 2002, then, i went to MTsS Nurul Ulum Peureulak, after graduation in 2005, I continued again at SMAS Plus Nurul Ulum Peureulak as well and graduated in 2008, little Info about Nurul Ulum , Nurul Ulum is one of the most well-regarded Pesantren in Peureulak at that time, and then in 2008 I continued studying at a state university in Lhokseumawe, The University name is STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe by majoring in Tadris English, and i finished in 2013.

I had become unemployed for a year after graduating from the college. In 2014 I just got a job call in MAN 2 Aceh Timur as Administrative Power in that office and until now. Regarding Steemit, first I know about Steemit that is from my schoolmate, , His name is @iqbaladan he is also chairman of my boarder in Nurul Ulum. He saw my hobby who like with photography, so he recommended to create a Steemit account for my hobby this can be wasted with benefit and not in vain. Do not think long, I immediately his advice.

After waiting 5 days ... my account was approved. To smooth my future activities, I beg for help from my friends who first dabbled in this world of Steemit so that my account can be useful for many people, not only for me. best regards from me...


Muhammad Nur Bin Saifuddin Ali (BSA)


Selamat datang brother, semoga betah dan tetap menghasilkan karya yang original dan dapat diverifikasi, ditunggu gambar-gambar hasil hunting-nya ;)

Mohon dukungan dan arahanya Bg @iqbaladan,,,,

Selamat datang om, ditunggu hasil karya fotografinya di steemit platform

makasih bg @azwarrangkuti.... mohon arahan dan bimbingannya.....

Welcome here! Hope you enjoy being on steemit! If you are looking for some TV/Movie/Cryptocurrency news, would be nice to follow me!

Thanks Brother.... i will

Hello Muhammad,

Welcome to Steemit! You will love it all. This is a unique place where there is no competition. Instead, we all work together to help each other. The best way to grow is to have enough Steem Power and vote to reward other authors.

It is important to produce good content in a continuous way so you can grow.

A suggestion would be take your time to look for posts that interest you and promote them. Also, start by following the authors who publish good content and vote for them.

I wish you much success if you need help, let me know!

I'm following you as well.

Best Regards, @juniorifoj


Welcome to Steemit! I absolutely love photography as well, but I'm very much an amateur. I hope you enjoy your time here and be sure to check out DTube as well. It's the video platform based on the Steem Blockchain. Kind regards.

thanks,,, im also amateur too,,,

selamat datang di steemit cut bang @madnoer

hehhe,,,,, Makasih Cut adek @syareefa10... mohon bantuan dan bimbingannya juga

Welcome to steemit!

(Also, don't forget to learn which passwords to use and when and how to secure them :)

thanks brother.... i willl

Mantap pak

makasih aduen @faizinabdullah,,,,

Ya sama2 Lon baro ban bergabung sit disino @madnoer

Berehhh nyannnn

Selamata datang di Steemit @madnoer.. Semoga menghasilkan karya terbaik di sini

terima kasihaduen @mushthafakamal,,,,, mohon bimbingannya juga ya

I think your Post is for a big group of people very helpful!
Thx for making this Website for us!
Upvote when your in my opinion @alokkamboj

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thanks brother....

Selamat bergabung
Selamat berkarya

Terima kasih... Mohon bimbingan dan bantuannya

Hallo bang , Sudah Saya Follow, Jangan Lupa Follow Back ya :)

Welcome.. awal mula yang sangat progresif dan inpiratif teman. Ayoe mulai pengalaman baru di steemit dan mendapatkan banyak teman di sini.

Thanks my bro... Mohon bimbingan dan arahannya.....

Hi, I welcome you to this

group that I am sure will

bring you many joys. ... a

great greeting.
I invite you to see my post

Thanks brother... I will visit your....

Hello and welcome to steemit, you also like to snap it, I hope that you will soon thank your specimens. If you're interested in nature, take a look at me :)

Thanks my bro....

Hello Muhammad, welcome to steemit! we're a family here.

Thanks sista...

hi @madnoer, welcome to the group! how are you?

thanks bro.... i'm fine....

Welcome to steemit community.

thanks sista

Welcom bro..

thanks bro

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you too brother..

selamat datang bang @madnoer, selamat bergabung di steemit, sukses selalu dengan pekerjaannya.
salam kenal dari saya sendiri, ikuti saya juga siapa tau kita bisa saling belajar disini, @asnawi93

Sama sama... Vote jg yaaa

sudah pak, itu pasti saya penggemar tersembunyi tenang aja. setiap saya membaca saya pasti upvote

Hahaaha mantap

semoga kedepan lebih mantap,

Saleum seujahtra @madnoer sukses sabe.

Sama2 aduen....

welcome to steemit!

thanks sista.... i need your voteup pleaseee

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thanks for voting my post.....

"You know, personally, I'm breaking even with Bitconnect right now. So if it goes to zero I ... I didn't make anything I was just promoting a scam. So I didn't lose anything, but yeah, [I] had fun, you know, on ... on the way."

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@adm great initiative!!!
I was seen your down vote on a post with spam so I thought to know about you. You are on steemit since April 2016 that impressive because you are not posting anything on your blog and you are helping in making steemit a better clean plateform for us. I appreciate your work and respect for you. We can call you guardian of steem because @cheetah only detect palagrism not reducing spam. 😍😍😍