This is so awesome. I believe in absolutely everything supernatural. I try to work closely with the Angels. I do Angel oracle cards and other supernatural things that would get me called crazy, lol. Considering you are Christian you probably wouldn't agree with what I do but its awesome to be open to other religions.
Wow! A real life Jedi sounds amazing. It sounds like what I follow with my spiritual journey with living in peace and harmony. The big difference seems to be the defense techniqiues. I will look into further to gain more knowledge just out of curiosity. It is a pleasure to have met you and I will be following along to see any future post 😊
I don't blame you for believing differently than me. I would just urge caution when consulting angels. Just because a spirit or entity presents itself as benevolent doesn't mean the necessarily are. I pray for wisdom and discernment for you.
Very good advice. You are very right as it does cause for concern. Thank you for letting me know.