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Hello @ lifewithme94 I greet you with respect from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Welcome to the wonderful world of the hive. In this great family you will feel very well; In addition, I congratulate you because you have an excellent godmother, an extraordinary woman with extensive experience on this platform, @discoveringarni (The best) I also congratulate you because with great courage you managed to overcome your fears and today you look great. Never separate yourself from God and remember the law of love (first to God, to your neighbor and to yourself) love and take good care of your son who is one of the most beautiful gifts that God has given you. Go ahead and remember that no one is as beautiful as you, no one is as strong as you, and no one loves you as God loves you and as you love yourself. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug, full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light. NOTE: Please say hello to @discoveringarni for me, tell her that I respect and admire her from a distance. Thank you very much.



Hola @lifewithme94 Te saludo con respeto desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Bienvenida al mundo maravilloso de la colmena. En esta gran familia te sentirás muy bien; además, te felicito porque tienes una excelente madrina, una mujer extraordinaria y de amplia experiencia en esta plataforma, @discoveringarni (La mejor) También te felicito porque con mucha valentía lograste superar tus miedos y hoy te ves muy bien. Nunca te apartes de Dios y recuerda la ley del amor (primero a Dios, al prójimo y a uno mismo) ama y cuida mucho a tu hijo que es uno de los regalos mas hermosos que Dios te ha dado. Sigue adelante y recuerda que nadie es tan bella como tu, nadie es tan fuerte como tu, y nadie te ama como te ama Dios y como te amas a ti misma. Recibe un fuerte y caluroso abrazo espiritual, cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz. NOTA: Por favor saluda a @discoveringarni de mi parte, dile que la respeto y admiro desde la distancia. Muchas gracias.


Hello Marcos, thank you for your heartwarming comment. Greetings from the Philippines

Hello, Marcos thank you so much, and nice meeting you. God takes care of me. What I am now is because of him. I am still thankful for my past because of that I've learned many things and am also very thankful to have my son. He is the best gift I've ever had.