

One of my older cousins was really into break dancing during the 80s.



*Welcome, I wish you all the success on Steemit. I will be following you...

Source: Tenor Gifs

Wohoooo! What a cool way of introducing yourself.

I had to resteem your post right away :-) Welcome to Steemit & DTube, @marcoz!

looks like it was so good that he tried it again, but from Spain this time :p

I don't understand why you downvoted the post actually. Has there been a copyright abuse?

EDIT: Oh now I got it!!! He deleted the video from this post and published it again. That's nasty. I removed my vote though.

ya, and his descriptions were different.. in one he said he lives in Brazil and then the other he put Spain

so clearly like not even a real person, he's just re-posting that intro and then editing the old posts to try to hide what he's doing

one of the posts has like $73 right now lol

Welcome to Steemit! Enjoy the time you spend here. Nice moves :)


Welcome to Steemit Marcoz. Looking forward to hearing more about you and seeing some more cool break dance videos. Keep it up!

welcome good to see you here