Bitcoin, Oracle, Hinduism and Social Media

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Yes, I have some nappy hair.

I have been using Bitcoin since 2011, and Altcoins since 2012, Steemit since around July 7th. I bought my first Bitcoin for $30, and sold it for over $1000. I have seen pretty much everything happen that has happened in the Bitcoin community. I was in the community when MIT started getting involved with Security, and when Litecoin came up and the first images were made with Bitcoin and Litecoin holding hands (then Feather Coin), then again when Dogecoin came up. I was trading coins that whole time. There have even been articles written about the ideas I proposed for the Future of Bitcoin in 2013.

I work for an Oracle Platinum Partner and ISO Certified company responding to Government Contracts and go to meetings at various Town Halls to have meetings with various Public Officials (Water, DMV, etc.). We do Software as a Service (SaaS) Citizen Relationship Management (CRM) solution design, creation and implementation, mostly using Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC). The Government really wants to get in the cloud right now, it’s a big deal for them. Oracle is kind of like the rising Star of the Business World. The same way everyone else thinks of like Apple and Google, the business World looks at Oracle like that. Our biggest competitor is SAP HANA.

I have been involved in these Projects, as well as others:
• The City of Ft Worth Water Department System Modernization
• The City of Orem System Modernization
• The City of Albuquerque 311 system
• The City of Boston VA System
• The State of Alaska's Child Support Enforcement Agency System

If you want an idea of what I do. Basically I write stuff like this:

And then have meetings with the Government Agency that issued the Request so that we can figure out exactly what kind of System they want. Then I coordinate with people in India who work for the same company as me, so that they can build the software. Most of it is already built, it just has to be changed in small ways to fit exactly what the people I talk to want it to be. Everyone I work with is Indian, and most of them are here on Visas, many of them are actually still in India and we just communicate through Google Chat and GoToMeeting.

If you want to start your own Government Level or International Enterprise Level business, start with Configuration Management (CM), using something like Enterprise Architecture by Sparxx or Oracles Software, which includes JIRA, etc. and from there it will all kind of fall in to place as you figure everything out.

So here is a little about me non-Professionally:

I’m a chill person, I like to laugh and have fun, but I can handle it when things get Real. I listen to all kinds of Music, from EDM, to Rap, to Rock, to various branches of Rock, to branches of Folk or even Anti-Folk, and on and on. I live in the US, I am from Dallas, Texas, originally. But when I was 18 I went to California, then to Colorado, then to Florida, then back to Colorado, then to Mexico via Arizona, then to New Mexico, then back to Colorado (I visited each State in between and have visited a few other countries). I have lived in some really Ghetto areas, I lived in Goulds, Florida, and used to hang out with Jamaicans at an illegal bar they had in the back of a Warehouse. I have also lived in some nice areas, but I think there is actually more of a community in poor places than in rich places.

When Bitcoin was $1000 each I used the extra income to purchase piles of Textbooks. Religious Textbooks, Economics Textbooks, Legal Textbooks, History Textbook, Chemistry Textbooks, Art Textbooks, and many others. So, I travel a lot and I read a lot. I know a lot of people all across America and in Mexico, as well as a good number of people in India, Nigeria, Russia, the UK, and a few other countries.

I am a Certified Hindu Minister (I was raised Chrisitian but converted at 14 after reading various Christian, Muslim and Jewish Texts, the Hindu Texts are a completely different thing), and many people may not know this, but Marijuana comes from the Hindu Religion and India. Many people automatically assume that Marijuana comes from Native Americans, but if you have ever heard of Indica and Sative, Indica actually means “From India” and Sativa means “To Cultivate” because it was used by the Greeks and Europeans to make Clothing, Rope, Canvas, Sails for Boats, etc. And once a year in Spring there is a Holiday called Holi, where not only the Hindu Ministers (like myself) use Marijuana, but all the Hindus use Marijuana. They use it in the form of Milk, the Police use it, the Politicians use it, the College Kids use it, the Suburban Parents use it, everyone uses it, then they take Colored pigments and throw them at each other. I have participated in a few Holi celebrations as I have been Hindu since I was 14.

Holi & Holi Bhang:

Diwali (Hindu Christmas as some might call it) is also a very interesting Holiday. Most people don’t even realize it exists, but I celebrate it every year.

I study Religion a lot and have read books like the Bible, the Torah, the Pentateuch, the Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Quran, the Book of the Dead (or: The Book of Going Forth by Day), the Zohar, the Rig Veda, etc etc. along with studying Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, I also study the Kemetic Religion and the Moorish Science Religion. They are both very interesting movements in America, and during my studies I have run in to many New Black Panther Party members online, and there are a few people in the Harlem Black Panther Community who know who I am now, and I share their videos, etc regularly. They have some very interesting debates.

Right now I am even working on Starting my own Hindu Temple.

I also Design New Molecules that have never existed before. I have been studying Organic and Bio-Chemistry deeply since I was 14, and now during some of my Free time I draw new Molecules that actually can be created, but have not yet been. I plan on actually making the first batch of these Molecules in late 2016 or early 2017. The Molecules will be various smells and flavors, and as they have not ever actually been created by anyone in the world yet no one knows exactly what they will smell and taste like. You can guess based on Structure things like Fruity, or Flowery, or Citrusy, or Woody, or Musky, etc, but the exact properties of each molecule will remain a mystery until they are actually created. I use a Still to make Fractal distillations of various plants, and a Separation funnel to separate extractions (polarization) in to layers to ensure purity.

A Few More Things:

I also manage the Steemit Facebook Group, we have over 2,000 members right now and will have around 4,000 in the next few days. I just have a lot of stuff to do.

I have a Google+ page with over 3.5 Million Views, and a Blog with around 350,000, and I am bringing them both over to Steemit.

I have also been using my Email to help get Steemit in the News since July 7th. When I send things to the Media they usually pay attention because they all know who I am. Everyone at Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and especially TYT know who I am. I am also a pretty well known member of the Colorado Marijuana Community (I taught people to grow and make hash in videos, and took pictures of every dispensary I went to while I was there, and a lot of people took notice. Especially after I got a few Thousand extra people to show up to the Colorado Marijuana rally from Texas) and the News is pretty plugged in to the Colorado Marijuana situation, even if they aren’t covering it every day.

Thanks for reading, STEEM and Steemit are about to change the World. Glad to be a part of it.


Hello! Welcome into the worlds :)

Hello marsresident,

great to see you found your way here. Enjoy your stay and share as much as you can with us. Let me know when the flavours are ready. Want to test them :)

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