30 hari bersama steemit/30 days with steemit


Hari ini tepat 30 hari saya berada di platform steemit.

hallo teman teman di penjuru dunia, salam kenal dari saya di sudut Aceh indonesia. Baru hari ini saya berani memperkanlkan diri pada platform ini. Awal mula mengetahui steemit dari teman saya @dijetechili namun belum melakukan registrasi aplikasi, saya mempelajarinya di web lebih dahulu tentang cara penggunaannya.


nama saya Masrur dari enam bersaudara sekarang sudah berumur 32 tahun, banyak harapan dan tantangan yang sudah saya hadapi mulai dari yang pahit hingga manis. saya sangat menyukai dan memelihara binatang, salah satunya adalah kucing, banyak waktu yang sudah saya habiskan bersamanya.Sambil menikmati segelas kopi dan di temani @aneukbawang beserta kawan kawan lainnya saya mendaftarkan diri di platform steemit ini, setelah empat hari saya menunggu balasan email.


Kembali lagi ke platform steemit, banyak ilmu baru dan teman-teman baru yang saya dapatkan disini. bukan hanya sekedar meng upload foto dan menceritakan alurnya tetapi jalinan komunikasi sesama yang belum saling kenal yang membuat saya terus tertarik dalam platform ini. saya bertemu @amryksr beberapa waktu yang lalu, beliau sudah cukup besar bagi saya dalam dunia platform ini "terus menjalankan platform ini dengan semangat, jalani dengan fokus maka kamu akan mendapatkan hasilnya" begitulah kesimpulan yang bisa saya dapatkan.


Banyak teman banyak ilmu, banyak ilmu banyak tahu.
Terimakasih juga kepada teman-teman :

dan lain-lain nya yang selalu mendukung.Teman-teman semua, bantu saya untuk menjadi yang lebih baik dalam platform yang positif ini, masih banyak hal yang perlu saya pelajari, masih banyak motivasi yang perlu saya dapatkan dari teman-teman. setiap hari saya mengikuti postingan @goodvibrations, banyak motivasi yang saya pelajari di situ. @dijetechili @aneukbawang @munalisa @kharulhalim @shanahs @sahabatfloris @srizal @musriadifahmi @fahrolbekmop @andrikyokyo @abay @rasydy

Bersama kita bisa

Today is exactly 30 days I was on the steemit platform.
hallo friends around the world, greetings know from me in the corner of Aceh indonesia. Just today I dare mengkanlkan themselves on this platform. Beginning to know the steemit from my friend @dijetechili but not yet registering the application, I learned it on the web first about how to use it.

while enjoying a cup of coffee and accompanied by @aneukbawang along with my other friends I enlisted in this steemit platform, after four days I waited for an email reply.

my name Masrur of six siblings is now 32 years old, many hopes and challenges that I have faced from bitter to sweet. I really like and keep animals, one of them is a cat, a lot of time I've spent with him.

back to the steemit platform, lots of new science and new friends I got here. not just upload photos and tell the plot but the unfamiliar communication network that keeps me interested in this platform. I met @amryksr some time ago, he was big enough for me in this platform world "continue to run this platform with passion, live with focus then you will get the results" that's the conclusion I can get.

My friends all, help me to be better in this positive platform, there are still many things I need to learn, there is still a lot of motivation that I need to get from my friends. every day I follow the post @ goodvibrations, a lot of motivation that I learned there.

Many friends many knowledge, many knowledge many know.

Thanks also to my friends:

and others who always support. @dijetechili @aneukbawang @munalisa @kharulhalim @shanahs @sahabatfloris @srizal @musriadifahmi @fahrolbekmop @andrikyokyo @abay @rasydy

"Together we can"


Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!
Welcome to Steem @masrurkeudepliek.

thanks for @steemladder this very important information, I really need to learn a lot. Please support

Thanks for sharing, every day you learn something new friend, success

yes it is true, a lot of friends and new science that I get here. Please support

Welcome to Steemit masrurkeudepliek. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! Welcome to the blockchain

thank you @janne, happy I can be here with people who support each other. I will study every new discovery. thank you for the information and support

terharu lon

na bereh bahasa inggreh lon..

Gas terus bro...jgn 30 berhenti di 30 hari..:)

heheeee... siap komandan....

Keren...salam kenal bro @masrurkeudepliek

Warbiasah 👍✌👍✌👍✌👍✌👍✌👍✌
Terus berkarya