Great article, I upvoted it but I think it's too old and my vote doesn't matter anyway (yet!).
I learned a lot about investment strategy from video games, EVE Online more than anything. I've been cooking up my next post, which will touch on my experiences with the EVE market and how I translated that into my professional life.
At the risk of pandering for followers, you should follow me so you can catch it when I post it. Hopefully you won't have to wait two months to read it. ;)
Thanks Matt!
Vidja's been good to me too. I'd love to hear more about how they've been good to you.
My most popular piece so far was on video games
Great article, I upvoted it but I think it's too old and my vote doesn't matter anyway (yet!).
I learned a lot about investment strategy from video games, EVE Online more than anything. I've been cooking up my next post, which will touch on my experiences with the EVE market and how I translated that into my professional life.
At the risk of pandering for followers, you should follow me so you can catch it when I post it. Hopefully you won't have to wait two months to read it. ;)
Done. I look forward to it :)