Hi all! I originally uploaded this video to YouTube, but I thought it would be good to upload to DTube as a intro! I originally created this video to detail the reasons why I got invested (time and money) into cryptocurrencies. You will find a little bit out about me as well in this video. FYI - I made this video before the whole bitconnect debacle; I will be removing lending platforms from my portfolio going forward.
▶️ DTube
Welcome to steem! Good luck!
Hey thank you for the well wishes!!
Welcome to the platform, crypto is a good thing to be getting into right now.
Hey Thank you much for the warm welcome! Yea, I'm having a ton of fun learning about it :)
Hi, I'm giving away 15 Steem Dollars check my post to find out more
welcome in the community :)
Hey thank you much! I'm excited to get started
Hope you enjoy being here :)