Hey Y'all! I'm Melody~ I'm fully committed to a fun life because the alternative sucks. Lets dance and play outside!!!

photo credit: My sister Maggie at iamnotmaggie Fine Art

I am a mom/dancer/person who is seeking to find balance and live the best life I can. I am probably the least mysterious person you could ever meet. I am blunt to a fault, I have no tact, manipulation is impossible for me and I don't like surprises. I am against all authority. My parents said my first phrase was "I can't have to". Despite my anti-authoritarian nature, I genuinely love people and if I believe in you or love you I will be your most loyal ally. I love to dance! You can find me teaching ballet classes here.

My revolutionary friends told me about Steemit. :) The "it's on here forever" aspect of the blockchain is cool and it freaks me out at the same time. My typos have a shelf life of forever. I always click before I proof read-must do better!

marching against Monsanto last May

Here is my life story divided in 3 blocks...seems appropriate since I'm 31. :)

Childhood: I'm the oldest of 5 kids brought up in a religious but artistic family. My parents made us feel not just loved but treasured. My siblings are my best friends.

Photo Credit: my mom of Cindy Harter photography

The Struggle: In true rebellious teenage fashion I met a man that my parents hated and ran away from home to be with him. I went to college and worked full time to support myself and this infant-man. I stuck around for 7 years dealing with all kinds of horrible treatment out of loyalty until I decided I was done. I packed up my house in about 2 hours, left and never spoke to him again. If I give you 100% and you reject it, you get 0%. I can't have you exist in my reality anymore. The good news is the struggle forced me to learn how to survive. Despite the personal failure I had quite a bit of professional success in this phase. I became a successful model, actor, and dancer. Work made me happy so I did a lot of that.

photo credit: Ian McFarlane photography

The Good Life: Enter long time friend turned love of my life. After finding out that we had both had secret crushes on each other I came to his house with a casserole and 1 bag of clothes and never left. This non-plan could have majorly back fired but, it didn't. 6 years later we have a chihuahua a daughter and are still madly in love. I have started my own online teaching business Ballet 24 to give me time to be home with our little 2 year old. I made the kind of classes I would want to take in a way that I could make schedule it and surprise other people love too! It's like all the jobs I've ever had squished into 1 and I get to work for myself. Every woman in my immediate family is an entrepreneur so it only made since for me to follow suit. Now I live in the woods, hike everyday, dance everyday and cook veggies all day.

photo credit: my mom of Cindy Harter Photography

I'll probably post mostly food, pictures of my backyard hike and dance stuff here...but who knows. This is all new to me and I'm open to learning whatever I can!

xoxoxo~ Mel


That's a really good story

hope you can verify yourself with an image proving you are who you say you are, as is the standard on Steemit.
If so, welcome aboard! Glad to have you here.

Welcome to the steemit family :) I love how you totally took control of your own life and am super jealous that you get to live in the woods and go on hikes all the time. That sounds like such a lovely way to spend your time!

Thank you! You have to get creative when you want to be home with a baby and you want to work! :) This is my baby, niece and chihuahua on our backyard hike...I'm not gonna lie...it's divine. The mosquitoes are brutal blood sucking savages but the woods are thick and green and peaceful all the time.

Seems like such a lovely little slice of heaven :)

Welcome! You have a wonderful spirit.

Thanks! Glad to be here! :)

Steemit selfie verified. :)
