I am very excited and enthusiastic to join to take part of this community. Because steemit is one of the most famous social media, and where many people post articles and get rewards.
So on this occasion I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Abdurrahman Arsal, my regular friends call me Arsal. While @metuahpikee this is a community that I cultivate, and community @ metuahpikee is a medium of information on the natural harmony, photography, technology and information in the country and abroad.
So I took the initiative to develop the information I got in this steemit, and I will focus my writing on nature photography, tourism, culture and technology. I live in Aceh, one of the provinces in the western tip of Indonesia. I graduated from economics and business at one university in Aceh. My study focuses on banking development.
I believe every comment and voice as well as your reblog is the power for me to thrive in this community. So with that I really hope the support of you all as a new container of this community. My respect and gratitude to my friend @irsyadul and @saidul who have introduced me to join steemit, and have provided some articles and guidelines for posting an article in this community.
Salam Hormat Steemians
Saya sangat bersemangat dan antusias untuk ikut ambil bagian dalam komunitas ini. Karena steemit adalah salah satu media sosial yang paling terkenal, dan di mana banyak orang memposting artikel dan mendapatkan ganjaran. Jadi pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu. Nama saya Abdurrahman Arsal, teman-teman biasa saya memanggil saya Arsal.
Sedangkan @metuahpikee ini adalah komunitas yang saya kembangkan, dan community @ metuahpikee adalah media informasi mengenai harmoni, fotografi, teknologi dan informasi alam di dalam dan luar negeri. Jadi saya berinisiatif untuk mengembangkan informasi yang saya dapatkan di steemit ini, dan saya akan memfokuskan tulisan saya pada fotografi alam, pariwisata, budaya dan teknologi. Saya tinggal di Aceh, salah satu provinsi di ujung barat Indonesia.
Saya lulus dari bidang ekonomi dan bisnis di satu universitas di Aceh. Studi saya berfokus pada pengembangan perbankan. Saya percaya setiap komentar dan suara serta reblog Anda adalah kekuatan bagi saya untuk berkembang di komunitas ini. Jadi dengan itu saya sangat berharap dukungan kalian semua sebagai wadah baru komunitas ini. Rasa hormat dan terima kasih saya kepada teman saya @irsyadul dan @saidul yang telah mengenalkan saya untuk bergabung dengan steemit, dan telah menyediakan beberapa artikel dan panduan untuk memposting artikel di komunitas ini.
hola! I like your post! Thanks for it! I went to jail because of cryptos... lets make steemit together to a better place with our content! I would like to read a bit more about you and maybe do you have some more pictures? I also just wrote a introduce yourself. Maybe you upvote me and follow me swell as I do? https://busy.org/introduceyourself/@mykarma/1-jail-review-bitcoins-3-years-ago
We all are here to support you :)welcome to steemit @metuahpikee !
Welcome to steemit you gonna love it is a really good platform, I’m photographer I’m loving it!
NEW ON STEEMIT @NITESHBANIYA I WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE follower @NITESHBANIYA Hello and welcome to the community. I followed you @REECHA and would appreciate a follow back. I'm looking forward to see more posts! Have a great day and have fun. Welcome! @NITESHBANIYA
Please upvote, comment, resteem and follow @niteshbaniya get back to back in touch for upvote @REECHA